Israel attacked Rafah, 45 people dead. An Egyptian soldier was killed in a border shooting

Israel attacked Rafah, 45 people dead.  An Egyptian soldier was killed in a border shooting

The tragic fire caused by an Israeli airstrike on Rafah killed 45 refugees from other parts of the Gaza Strip living in a makeshift tent city. On Monday, an Egyptian border guard was killed in an exchange of fire on the border between Egyptian and Israeli soldiers.

Late on Sunday evening, Israel carried out an airstrike on the city of Rafah in the Gaza Strip. It resulted in a fire in the tent camp, which killed at least 45 people. The attack took place in the Tel Al-Sultan district, where thousands of people took shelter after Israeli forces launched a ground offensive in eastern Rafah more than two weeks ago.

Israel attacked Rafah, 45 people dead.

According to the authorities of the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip, more than half of the victims were women, children and the elderly. Many other people were severely burned, so the number of victims may increase.

At the same time, the Israeli army said it was investigating reports that the fire was caused by its attack on Hamas commanders in Rafah. Israel says Sunday's airstrike, based on “precise intelligence,” managed to eliminate Hamas's chief of staff in the West Bank, as well as another commander responsible for attacks on Israelis.

According to Reuters, the attack was said to have occurred after the interception of eight rockets fired towards Israel from the Rafah area.

World outrage after Israel's attack

French President Emmanuel Macron said he was “outraged” by Israel's latest attacks. “These operations must end. There are no safe areas for Palestinian civilians in Rafah,” he wrote on the X website.

In turn, German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock and High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell stated that the ruling of the International Court of Justice should be respected. “International humanitarian law applies to everyone, including Israel's conduct of war,” Baerbock said.

An Egyptian border guard was killed in an exchange of fire with the Israeli military

Egypt also condemned the “deliberate bombing of displaced people's tents” by the Israeli military, state media reported, calling it a gross violation of international law.

At the same time, on Monday, there was an exchange of fire between Israeli and Egyptian soldiers at the border crossing in Rafah. An Egyptian border guard was killed in the incident.

“A few hours ago (Monday), there was shooting on the Egyptian border. The incident is being investigated and talks are ongoing with the Egyptians,” the Israeli military said in a statement.

According to unofficial information from Arab and Israeli media, fire was allegedly opened on Israeli soldiers from the Egyptian side.

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