It has 7 rooms, 5 floors and 2.8 m wide. This is the “slimmest” hotel in the world

It has 7 rooms, 5 floors and 2.8 m wide.  This is the "slimmest" hotel in the world

A unique facility was built in Indonesia and has a chance to break the record. It is considered the “skiniest” hotel in the world.

There are various accommodation facilities in the world that attract crowds of tourists with their uniqueness. Some of them tempt you with their location, others serve delicious dishes, and still others have the form of a capsule, and tourists come here to test the quality of sleep in such a place. Now, a hotel has been built that is considered the “skiniest” in the world. Would you like to spend the night in one?

This is the “skiniest” hotel in the world

The “slimmest” hotel in the world has as many as 5 floors and is only 2.8 m wide. And although its creator claims that he had no plans to break the record, this is probably what will happen with this object. The author of the project wanted to promote the small town he calls home. And I think he succeeded.

PituRooms was founded in Indonesia and became very popular in the tourism industry. The facility is located in Salatiga, Java and has only 7 rooms – pitu means “seven” in Javanese. The entire building has 5 floors, but is located on a small plot. Its width is only 2.8 m.

Each of the 7 rooms is large enough to accommodate a double bed and a small bathroom with shower and toilet. Each room has a different character thanks to local works of art and interiors.

The extraordinary story of an extraordinary hotel

The facility was created on a small and unwanted piece of land that Ary Indra became interested in. The man grew up in Salatiga, Central Java, graduated in architecture in Jakarta and Singapore, but his dream was to return to the city and make the world hear about him.

“I want people to experience Salatiga in a new way. I own, designed and run PituRooms with my own team. It became my platform for generating a new type of tourism that engages local communities,” he said in an interview with CNN.

Salatiga is located approximately 800 km southeast of Jakarta and is mostly unknown to foreigners who instead go on holiday to Yogyakarta, Surabaya or the nearby island of Bali.

PituRooms, which opened in December 2022, welcomed “only five percent” of guests from outside Indonesia. However, in Indonesia itself, says Indra, Salatiga is known as a tolerant city with delicious food, extensive infrastructure and good quality of life. During the colonial era, it was a popular weekend destination for the Dutch.

Indra believes that most Indonesians consider Salatiga a nice place to retire, but he hopes that PituRooms is the first of many projects that will help outsiders see that Salatiga is more than that. And that it’s worth coming here for a holiday.

“In addition to the technical difficulties, the biggest challenge was the typical way of thinking in the hotel and catering industry, accustomed to such attributes as: the largest, the tallest, the most luxurious. We are the skinniest here,” admitted the author of the project.

The city lies at the foot of Mount Merbabu, which PituRooms guests can view from their hotel rooms. In addition to the rooms, the building has a rooftop restaurant that can be used by residents, and PituRooms also plans to organize art-related events.

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