Jan Maria Jackowski on PiS: There is no future with Kaczyński, and also without him

Jan Maria Jackowski on PiS: There is no future with Kaczyński, and also without him

A former PiS senator assessed that Jarosław Kaczyński “won but lost the election.” He pointed out that the party leader still has a very strong position in it.

Jan Maria Jackowski, former PiS senator, was a guest of the interview of “Rzeczpospolita”. The politician, who did not win a senatorial seat this term, was asked whether the PiS president should remain in his position after losing the parliamentary majority.

– Jarosław Kaczyński won, but lost the election. Because PiS is unable to gain a coalition majority, Jackowski replied. The former senator assessed that “there are many reasons for this defeat, and one of them is Jarosław Kaczyński himself, whose rhetoric in the last weeks of the campaign mobilized the ranks of the opposition and young people – caused PiS to achieve a pyrrhic victory.”

Jarosław Kaczyński’s strong position in the party

Jackowski pointed out that Jarosław Kaczyński still has a strong position in the party.

– The thinking part of the camp now realizes that there is no future with Jarosław Kaczyński, and on the other hand, it also realizes that PiS also has no future without him. Because he knew how to put it together, he said.

When asked whether Jarosław Kaczyński should retire, he replied that he would not advise anyone what he should do, “but there is political logic, of course.” – Every responsible leader draws conclusions from this type of situation, because there are certain patterns in politics in European countries – what happens to a leader who loses the elections – he said.

He added that entrusting the mission of forming a government to Mateusz Morawiecki is intended to “prepare to hand over power and collect as many elements as possible that will be troublesome for the new team – so that it will be a minefield that needs to be cleared very slowly.”

A few days ago, in an interview with PAP, Jarosław Kaczyński noted that his term as party president expires in 2024. He announced that a new head of PIS will be elected then. He also talked about what conditions his successor should meet.

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