Jarosław Kaczyński suddenly changed his mind. “The environment isolates the PiS president”

Jarosław Kaczyński suddenly changed his mind.  "The environment isolates the PiS president"

Jarosław Kaczyński suggested that he would not run for another term as PiS president. However, as it turns out, the matter is much more complicated.

In 2025, internal elections will be held in Law and Justice – the party will choose a new chairman. In recent months, Jarosław Kaczyński has signaled that the current term will be his last. However, as it turns out, the PiS president changed his mind.

In an interview he gave to the weekly “Sieci”, he declared that he would run for president of the party again. – Our political camp now needs unity, decisive leadership and a quick offensive. Today I say clearly: I will submit my candidacy for the president of Law and Justice and ask to be elected for another term. Of course, it will be up to the delegates to decide, and I will do everything to convince them to make this choice, said the politician.

Jarosław Kaczyński's decision divided politicians

Jarosław Kaczyński's declaration was received ambiguously by right-wing politicians. Marek Suski did not hide his joy in “Super Express”, emphasizing that the current PiS president is a great strategist, statesman and the only person who unites right-wing circles.

Jan Krzysztof Ardanowski was slightly less enthusiastic about the matter. – He is an outstanding person and maybe once every few generations someone is born with such insight and vision. But in a sense, and I say this with sadness, he is isolated largely by his surroundings from knowledge about Poland's real problems – he said on Radio Plus.

Will Jarosław Kaczyński lead PiS to electoral victory?

Piotr Zaremba, a columnist for “Rzeczpospolita”, draws attention to the fact that Jarosław Kaczyński “still retains the mirth of a founding father among PiS politicians, even if they have doubts about his poetics as an uncle-storyteller.” He adds that the position of the current president of Law and Justice in the party is strengthened by Donald Tusk. Jarosław Kaczyński strengthens their unity reflex. “It is becoming a symbol of a common, not very pleasant fate,” said the publicist, adding, however, that “the president's stories about those in power as people capable of political crimes reflect the violence of the conflict, but do not lead to victory.”

“The current president is not always able to hit the nail on the head and is often provoked by Donald Tusk. But he was a visionary, which cannot be said about any of the politicians mentioned as potential successors,” said Piotr Zaremba. As we read in “Rzeczpospolita”, each of the leading PiS politicians is “missing something”. “First of all, independence of thinking. The president, the only fully subjective politician in PiS, has this independence. However, it can be a curse for him, and in contemporary politics based on the media, memes and sharp retorts, it is definitely not enough as an advantage,” he concluded.

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