Kaczyński on the march: There is a plan to rob Poland and Poles greatly

Kaczyński on the march: There is a plan to rob Poland and Poles greatly

The Free Poles’ Protest, organized by Law and Justice, is underway to show opposition to the actions of Donald Tusk’s government. The speaker, Jarosław Kaczyński, said, among others: about the plan to adopt the euro.

Law and Justice organized a demonstration in front of the Sejm, called the March of Free Poles. In his speech, Jarosław Kaczyński spoke about the need to change power. He pointed out that a “great robbery of Poles” is planned, i.e. adopting the euro.

Kaczyński on adopting the euro

The leader of Law and Justice again recalled his opinion on Poland’s adoption of the euro. This topic returned to public debate once again after Donald Tusk’s government took power. Let us recall that Poland committed to adopting the common currency almost 20 years ago, when we joined the European Union.

– We need to tell people about it, because our compatriots often do not understand it. There is a plan to rob Poland and Poles greatly, because the introduction of the euro means a great reduction in the standard of living and total economic dependence on Germany. It is also a takeover of a large part of our resources that we have in the national bank, hence the attack on the NBP and an attempt to take over this extremely important institution in which we already have nearly USD 200 billion of resources – said the president of Law and Justice, Jarosław Kaczyński, in front of the Sejm.

Glapiński: We are closing the gap with developed countries

On January 10, the President of the National Bank of Poland presented a monthly assessment of the current economic situation in Poland. One of the elements of the speech was the announcement of data on the growth of real GDP since Poland joined the European Union.

– The increase in real GDP from the first quarter of 2004 (Poland’s entry into the European Union – editor’s note) to the third quarter of 2023 amounted to 104.2 percent in Poland. – said president Adam Glapiński. – I would like to emphasize that these are data from 2004, so as not to later show that there is some politics involved – added the president.

For comparison, the same data for the euro zone show an increase of only 23.5%. In second place on the chart presented by the President of the National Bank of Poland was Slovakia, with an increase of 84 percent, and in third place was Lithuania, which recorded a GDP increase of 79.4 percent in this period.

– We are swallowing the distance between us and the euro zone countries. I have said it many times that in 8-10 years, if nothing changes in our good dynamics, we will be at the level of today’s France or England. Then you can start discussing the adoption of the euro. At this point, it would be a huge loss of development dynamics. We would stop catching up with rich countries – said president Adam Glapiński.

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