Kaja Godek on “LGBT terror”. She was reprimanded by the deputy marshal

Kaja Godek on "LGBT terror".  She was reprimanded by the deputy marshal

A citizen’s bill submitted by the “Stop LGBT” committee is currently being processed in the Sejm. From the podium she spoke, among others: Kaja Godek. During her speech, there was a dispute with Deputy Marshal Monika Wielichowska.

On Friday, February 9, the first reading of the citizens’ bill amending the Law on Assemblies and certain other acts took place in the Sejm.

Godek: We have the right to rebel

Its purpose is, among others, introducing a ban on organizing the so-called equality parades. This is a civic project signed by approximately 350,000 people. people. The following people spoke from the parliamentary rostrum: pro-life activist Kaja Godek.

– Other societies are also rebelling against LGBT terror, (…) what is forcefully and intrusively forced upon them, (…) how they want to spoil their children. People collect signatures from the grassroots, oppose and do not want certain phenomena. They do not want certain people to come near their children at all. From above, we are inhibited, blocked, censored, our right to vote is taken away (…). It puts on a pedestal environments that are essentially pathological, and we are pushed to the margins. (…) We have the right to rebel, said Godek.

Clashes with the Deputy Speaker of the Sejm

Later in her speech, she criticized, among others: the idea of ​​legalizing the adoption of children by homosexual couples. Deputy Speaker of the Sejm, Monika Wielichowska from the Civic Coalition, interrupted Godek several times and accused her of not sticking to the agenda.

– I’m very sorry, I just wanted to remind you where we are at. We are at the moment of the first reading of the citizens’ bill (…) Law on Assemblies (…). I would like to ask you to speak about the topic we are dealing with, said Wielichowska.

Godek: There will be grassroots revolts, and the scale will be a surprise

Godek also criticized the idea of ​​introducing into the Criminal Code a ban on hate speech based on “sexual orientation” and “gender identity”. At the end of her speech, she stated in the context of the above-mentioned parades that “undressing in front of children in the street is not a manifestation of views.” In her opinion, rejection of the project in progress will sooner or later lead to social revolts.

– That’s why you want a ban on criticism, that’s why you hide it all under the slogan of tolerance. This is not tolerance, it is forcing abnormal things on normal people. That’s why people signed up for this project. (…) You can reject this project. No problem. (…) Break away from people who are fed up with having to run to school and protect their child with a statement so that someone doesn’t come and tell the child that it’s cool to be gay or lesbian and try it. That they have to fight with lobbyists and self-proclaimed experts every time (…) There will be grassroots revolts, and the scale of this revolt will surprise you, concluded Godek.

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