Kamil Stoch with the best result of the season. Eloquent words of the Polish master

Kamil Stoch with the best result of the season.  Eloquent words of the Polish master

Kamil Stoch finished the competition in the 72nd Four Hills Tournament in Innsbruck in eleventh place. This is the best result of the three-time Olympic champion this season. Stoch could especially enjoy his second jump over a distance of 130 meters.

The third competition of the 72nd Four Hills Tournament was successful for the White and Reds. There were as many as four Poles in the final series, which can be considered a positive result considering the results achieved in the current World Cup season. Kamil Stoch and Piotr Żyła were close to the top ten. One almost jumped into it thanks to successful attempt number two, and the other… fell out, spoiling the jump in the final series.

Kamil Stoch honestly about his performance on the ski jumping hill in Innsbruck

Stoch finished 11th in Innsbruck. This is the best result among Poles. It is clear that the Olympic champion, after a forced break for training (and not participation in the World Cup series), ordered by coach Thomas Thurnbichler, is getting back into solid shape.

– Today there was a lot of work again, the first jump was similar to qualifying. The second one was ok. I was a bit more precautionary in the first series. And the last one was so “let go”, without calculations, straight from the heart (…) I try to focus on a specific goal, one thing, to do it well – a satisfied Stoch admitted in an interview with Kacper Merek.

The three-time Olympic champion also added, referring to the words of the journalist who, at the beginning… conveyed exactly what the athlete wanted to say. In short, satisfaction with the best performance in this World Cup season.

– You didn’t know what mood I was in, and I’m moody, right? – added the Pole, finishing just outside the top ten in Innsbruck, with a smile.

One competition until the end of the 72nd Four Hills Tournament

There is only one installment left to decide the most prestigious series in the World Cup. On Friday and Saturday, January 5 and 6, the jumpers will compete in Bischofshofen, Austria.

Friday’s edition includes official training (2:15 p.m.) and qualifications (4:30 p.m.). A day later, on Saturday, the decisive results during the competition. The jumpers will start with a trial series (15:30), and the competition for victory in the 72nd TCS will start at 16:30.

The ski jumpers’ competition during the World Cup season can be followed on Eurosport and on TVN. Additionally, online broadcast is available, among others: via Player and Polsat Box Go, with available Eurosport channels.

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