Kangaroo on the ski slope. An unusual guest seen near Poland

Kangaroo on the ski slope.  An unusual guest seen near Poland

A recording appeared on Facebook showing that… a kangaroo was seen on a slope near Poland. What was an exotic animal doing in the snow? See for yourself.

From time to time, the media reports information about animals that appear in places that are completely unusual for them. For example, a week ago we wrote about a moose chasing skiers on one of the slopes in the USA. Now an unusual individual has been spotted only 80 km from Zakopane. In Liptovský Mikułaš, a kangaroo was seen in the snow.

Kangaroo on a slope in Slovakia

A recording made by a resident of Liptovský Mikułasz, Slovakia, was posted on Facebook. The city is located approximately 79 km from Zakopane. It was in this region that a kangaroo was seen on the slope. Alexandra Gasparikova managed to record it. She posted her video online.

“A kangaroo also rode on our slope this morning” – she captioned it.

The recording shows an exotic animal jumping out of the bushes straight onto a road frequented by winter sports enthusiasts. He looks around for a while, familiarizes himself with the environment, and then returns to where he came from.

RMF FM was the first to report the unusual event. His reporter determined that the marsupial had escaped from a private breeding farm located several kilometers from Mikułasz several months ago. Since then, it has been expected to stay close to inhabited areas, where it is easier for it to find food. It was also apparently seen in a mini zoo, where one of the employees there fed it.

Attempts are being made to catch the animal, but so far to no avail.

The kangaroo caused a furore on the Internet

There were thousands of reactions and many comments under the video with the kangaroo. Internet users are mainly delighted with the unusual arrival in Slovakia. “Where did he go?”, “He uses the infrastructure of the place where he lives. Next time we will see him skiing,” some write.

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