Kinga Rusin writes to Przemysław Czarnek: Go to hell! You were attacking the children

Kinga Rusin writes to Przemysław Czarnek: Go to hell!  You were attacking the children

Kinga Rusin spoke harshly to Przemysław Czarnek, sending the Minister of Education and Science “to hell.” She accused him of, among other things, indoctrination of schools.

“Gazeta Wyborcza” posted a post on its Instagram linking to an article about Przemysław Czarnek, the headline of which reads: “This is how we say goodbye to Minister Czarnek. There is joy and dancing in the teachers’ rooms. Kinga Rusin posted the entry on her InstaStory and clearly wrote what she had to say to the former Minister of Education.

Kinga Rusin sends Przemysław Czarnek “to hell”

“Well, I’m not surprised at this joy,” Rusin began, emphasizing that “it’s hard to imagine a worse Minister of Education.” “He made a farce of education, indoctrinated schools, humiliated teachers. And go to hell, Mr. Czarnek!” – she said.

But then the journalist reflected a bit. “Or not. First, face the consequences of your horribly harmful decisions. Responsible for the lives and health of the children you care about. For thousands of vacancies in schools, because teachers had to look for other jobs to live with dignity. For wasting millions on stupid textbooks! Using a language that Czarnek understands: Sins must be atoned for, and the punishment must fit the deeds. Amen!” – wrote Kinga Rusin.

In her next Stories, the journalist posted a message from the teacher. The woman writes that she worked as a teacher for 7 years and loved being a teacher, even though the salary did not reflect the heart, time and commitment she put into it. He warns that he notes with concern the growing trend of people giving up this profession. “If we don’t stop it in time, in a few years there will be no one to educate children and young people. People will remain tired and frustrated, often without a vocation,” we read.

Przemysław Czarnek. What he did?

Przemysław Czarnek was appointed Minister of Education and Minister of Science in October 2020, in the second government of Mateusz Morawiecki. He immediately announced the expansion of the core curriculum to include content about John Paul II and cursed soldiers. He said that left-wing and liberal views will be combated in schools, and recruitment in schools will depend, among other things, on: from activities in Catholic organizations. He said that he would also introduce a mandatory choice between religion and ethics lessons.

In response to Czarnek’s nomination for this position, protests and nationwide “Black Week” actions took place in Poland. Celebrities, scientists and the Polish Teachers’ Union expressed concern about this fact. There were repeated petitions to dismiss him from office.

In 2021, Czarnek proposed changes to the Education Law, which became known as “lex Czarnek” and aroused huge protests. In 2022, “Lex Czarnek 2.0” was created, but President Andrzej Duda refused to sign the act, citing numerous criticisms.

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