Krzysztof Stanowski revealed how much he has already earned on Channel Zero. “A sensational start”

Krzysztof Stanowski revealed how much he has already earned on Channel Zero.  "A sensational start"

The journalist shared the results of his new project after a few days of operation. Krzysztof Stanowski’s earnings may surprise.

After Krzysztof Stanowski left Kanał Sportowy, which he ran with Tomasz Smokowski, Mateusz Borek and Michał Pol, in October last year, he quickly decided to implement his own project. A few weeks ago, he announced on Instagram how he imagined it.

– Kanal Zero (…) is supposed to be a place that brings together personalities, authorities and serious people from various areas of life. The plan is to create something really big. Not a channel where 3-4 films will be uploaded a week, but rather 3-4 a day – he said. The premiere of this idea took place several days ago. Now Stanowski has shared the results.

Krzysztof Stanowski’s earnings

The journalist’s idea officially launched on Thursday evening, February 1. It is known that this project started on a grand scale, because in the second recording released, Krzysztof Stanowski and Rafał Mazurek interviewed President Andrzej Duda. Thanks to the great publicity provided by, among others, through this conversation, Channel Zero on YouTube has already accumulated 795,000 views. subscribers.

Although the broadcast was not without its mishaps, the programs published last weekend had viewership results several times higher than those on the Sports Channel. At the same time, Krzysztof Stanowski announced that he would run for president, and the latest SW Research poll for indicated that he could count on 9.7 percent. votes.

“Men (13%) would be more likely to support a journalist than women (7%). The age group most likely to declare the possibility of voting for Krzysztof Stanowski are people aged 25 to 34. Due to the amount of earnings, voting for Krzysztof Stanowski is most often considered by respondents with incomes exceeding PLN 5,000 net per month. Taking into account the class of the town, this percentage is the highest among people from cities with a population of 200,000 or more. up to 499 thousand inhabitants (11 percent),” Małgorzata Bodzon, senior project manager at SW Research, commented on the study results, quoted by the portal.

However, before Krzysztof Stanowski starts working on the presidential campaign, he is involved in the dynamic development of Channel Zero, which is already bringing results. The journalist decided to reveal the current results. On Saturday, February 10, he published detailed information on his Instagram account. They show that The recordings made available so far have already achieved over 25 million views. At the time of its release, Channel Zero was subscribed to by 788,000 people (currently it is already 795,000), and the estimated revenues from the project from views alone are over PLN 266,000.

It hit 25 million views. Data as of yesterday (except for the cash register, because the cash register was updated to the day before yesterday). Maybe 800,000 subs this weekend – wrote Stanowski on Instagram.

In the comments under the post we can read: “A fantastic start”, “Great job”, “Congratulations on the idea”, “A lot of interesting things. Keep it up and it will get even better”, “A lot of very interesting, substantive, opinion-forming programs”, “New quality in the Polish Internet” or “So far, the only things I was interested in from the media were heating and electricity. Now there is finally something valuable, respect.”

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