Maciej Stuhr devoted his standup to the end of the PiS government: I lost 78 percent. material

Maciej Stuhr devoted his standup to the end of the PiS government: I lost 78 percent.  material

Maciej Stuhr went to Poland with the satirical program “I have it all in standup”. PiS does not skimp on it, although at the same time it regrets the end of the United Right’s rule.

As we can read in the description of Maciej Stuhr’s stand-up comedy, we should expect “humor at the highest level, full of brilliant, intelligent observations about reality.” In fact, in the first part it is a cabaret settlement with the PiS government, and in the second part with the most common faults of Poles.

Stuhr is afraid that together with PiS he will lose material for work

Stuhr admits that his activities make him feel unsafe. His skits and comments cause considerable reluctance on the right side of the Polish political scene and among the PiS electorate. As he said, his wife would prefer him to stay at home rather than go to the country with his performances.

– We are not a representative part of society – he argued to the audience gathered during his monologue. – We are unlikely to find supporters of lowering the retirement age in this room. Ask any actor when he will retire, he said. – On election night, 78% of my votes went to waste. material. Because not only did they win the elections, but they also lost, Stuhr pointed out, referring to the situation in the Polish Sejm.

Stuhr mocked Ziobro, Sasin and Kaczyński

Specific politicians were also targeted, including: Zbigniew Ziobro, Jacek Sasin and the president of PiS, Jarosław Kaczyński. – I have the impression that I have the same telephone number as Zbyszek. I call and he hears everything I say, Stuhr mocked, referring to the surveillance scandal. He laughed at the fact that the Minister of Justice carried a gun and Jacek Sasin’s “incredible ability to f**k up” everything.

TVP employees were also criticized for absurd headlines, “turning the tables” and additional billions from the state budget. – For this money, I would even boil sausages in a kettle for Antoni – laughed Stuhr, referring to the experiments of the Smolensk subcommittee. – Or I would wash the president’s hair every day with Nizoral – he attacked Kaczyński.

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