Many Poles do not use this oil in the kitchen, which is a pity. It is a treasure trove of valuable properties

Many Poles do not use this oil in the kitchen, which is a pity.  It is a treasure trove of valuable properties

Leek is a popular ingredient in salads and soups. Few people know that this vegetable can be used to make an unusual version of oil. Its preparation does not require much effort. You can easily handle this task and save a lot at the same time.

Leek oil has valuable properties. It contains many vitamins and minerals, including: potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, iron and magnesium. It contains inulin, which is considered a natural prebiotic. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive system, improves intestinal peristalsis and strengthens the body’s immunity. It is a source of antioxidants. These compounds neutralize free radicals and prevent premature aging of cells. They also reduce the risk of many diseases, such as atherosclerosis, stroke and cancer.

In addition, leek oil regulates blood pressure and lowers the level of “bad cholesterol”. Supports the cardiovascular system. It has a positive effect on the nervous system. At the same time, it is a low-calorie product – 100 milliliters provides only 29 kcal. Therefore, it can be consumed without any problems by people on a reducing diet.

Unfortunately, in Poland we rarely use leek oil. This is partly because few people have heard of it. On the other hand, its price may be a barrier. A product bought in a store is a big expense. Prices for a 250 ml bottle start from around PLN 30. Therefore, if you want to benefit from the valuable properties of leek oil, it is worth making it at home.

How to make leek oil at home?

Two ingredients are enough to make leek oil. Also prepare a blender, cheesecloth, a strainer, a bowl, a pot and a jar or bottle. The whole process is very simple, although it requires time and patience. From 100 grams of leek leaves you will get about 40 milliliters of oil. Although a lot depends on the quality of the vegetable itself.

Recipe: Leek oil

Leek oil is relatively easy to prepare. You can add it to soups, salads, as well as casseroles and sauces.

Type of cuisine
Preparation time
5 min.
Cooking time
1 hour 30 minutes.
Number of servings


  • 150 ml of vegetable oil
  • 100 g leek leaves

A method of preparing

  1. Preparing the leekWash and dry the leek. Cut the green parts of the vegetable into smaller pieces and throw them into the blender. Add oil and mix until smooth. Then pour the resulting mixture into a pot and heat it until bubbles appear on the surface of the liquid. Strain the mixture over cheesecloth. Wait until all the oil comes out. This may take an hour.
  2. Oil preparationPour the resulting oil into a pastry bag and wait until it separates. When water collects at the bottom, cut off the end of the sleeve and pour out the liquid. Pour the oil into a separate container.

How to store and use leek oil?

Leek oil should be kept in a tightly closed container in a cool, dark place away from sunlight, such as the refrigerator. It is best to use it within 7-14 days. It can be poured over meat, pasta, groats or rice. It is also great as an ingredient in salad dressing and even mayonnaise. It has an interesting green color and an unusual taste.

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