Mark Ruffalo in the fight for the environment. He encourages the Green Party to join the coalition

Mark Ruffalo in the fight for the environment.  He encourages the Green Party to join the coalition

Mark Ruffalo, best known for his role as the Hulk in “The Avengers”, called on members of the Green Party in the Republic of Ireland to join the government coalition. The actor is known for his environmental protection activities, mainly in Ireland.

The actor was a guest at an online seminar organized on Monday by Green Party leader Eamon Ryan. Members of the group are currently deciding whether they should enter into a coalition with Fianna Fail and Fine Gael (Irish political parties). Ruffalo asked party members to support a new program that would ban the import of fracked gas. – Do what is best at this moment. Look into your hearts and ask, in the face of all that we are struggling with, in the face of the justice that we are fighting for, in the face of all these new technologies that promise people a better life… why wouldn’t you take this forward, increasing the world’s consumption of natural gas and fossil fuels? – He was asking. – If we take care of our children, if we take care of their health, the environment and their future, the rest will take care of itself – he added.

Parliamentary elections in Ireland were held in February, but no party obtained a majority, and the coronavirus pandemic stopped coalition talks. On June 15, the leaders of Fianna Fáil, Fine Gael and the Green Party agreed a draft program for government, which is now subject to approval by members of all three parties. The voting results of members of each party will be announced on Friday.

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