Mateusz Damięcki spoke out after his father’s death. He appealed to Internet users

Mateusz Damięcki spoke out after his father's death.  He appealed to Internet users

Mateusz Damięcki lost his father a few days ago. Now he has published a video on social media in which he addressed his fans.

A few days ago, on November 17 this year, information about the death of Maciej Damięcki circulated in the media. The actor’s children – Mateusz and Matylda – announced the death of the 79-year-old. Although the cause of his death was not made public, it is known that the artist had struggled with cancer in the past.

He first got sick when he was a teenager. Then someone from the production of the painting “King Maciuś I” noticed that he had a strange growth on his neck. – I was referred to a doctor and it turned out that it was cancer, and a malignant one at that. I was immediately sent to Sweden for surgery. If it weren’t for the fact that the production of the film helped me to leave, I would probably be dead now, said Maciej Damięcki in an interview with “Plejada”. Decades later, the actor fought another malignant tumor – prostate cancer.

The Damięckis’ involvement in promoting preventive examinations

Due to his experiences, Maciej Damięcki was involved in the “Prostate for years” campaign to promote preventive examinations among men. The aim of the project was also to break the taboo around this topic. The actor also passed on his knowledge to his son, who for years has been taking part in campaigns aimed at increasing awareness of one of the most common cancers in men.

Mateusz Damięcki already in 2021 on Instagram emphasized how important it is to perform regular tests. The artist then became concerned about a small lump he felt on his testicle. He was full of fears and negative thoughts, and in the doctor’s waiting room he was making a mental list of things he still had to do before he died. Ultimately, what he had on his testicle turned out to be disturbing only in name.

“EPIDIDYMIS! – was the verdict. The world spun and my vision went black. After a while, the doctor deciphered the Latin hieroglyph: this is the epididymis, it is where it should be, not too small, not too big, anatomical. Congratulations. You are healthy!” – wrote Mateusz Damięcki on social media.

Mateusz Damięcki appeals to fans

Now – despite experiencing mourning – Mateusz Damięcki once again spoke out on this matter. On Sunday, November 19, he posted a video on Instastory in which he explained the idea of ​​the “Movember” campaign, which is to increase men’s awareness of prostate and testicular cancer and encourage them to undergo tests. The name of this campaign was created from a combination of the English words “mustache” (mustache) and “November” (November). In Poland, the term “Wąsopad” is used interchangeably.

– In this case, the mustache is an attribute of masculinity – Damięcki explained in the recording. – There is no greater and better proof of masculinity than responsibility. In this case, responsibility is a healthy life, not only for yourself, but also for those around you, he emphasized, adding: – Gentlemen, I appeal to you: get yourselves checked. “Movember” is a month in which we can devote time to taking care of ourselves, because remember: there is nothing at stake greater than life – he appealed, referring to the title of the cult series in which his father starred.

“And it’s not just about male cancers. But about all of them. And not only about us, gentlemen. About you, Lord, too,” he added in the description of the recording.

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