Mateusz Morawiecki on the future of PiS: We have to change and find ourselves again

Morawiecki warns against Tusk.  “He is a very dangerous man.”

– We would make a colossal mistake if we did not try to read as many clues as possible from October 15, said Mateusz Morawiecki and admitted that PiS “must change and find itself again.”

Mateusz Morawiecki was asked in an interview about the future of PiS and whether the formation needs to change. – Oh yes, absolutely. We would be making a colossal mistake if we did not try to read as many clues as possible from October 15, replied the Prime Minister in an interview with

– We have to change, we have to find ourselves again. Sorry for this insert in English, but Americans often say reinvent yourself, i.e. reinvent yourself, invent something new. We must really find ourselves again, preserve everything that is good, everything that we have achieved, but at the same time respond to these ambitions, to these aspirations of Poles, which made themselves felt on October 15. We are aware of this. We are working through this very deeply and we will be ready with new proposals for the local elections, assured the head of the outgoing government.

Mateusz Morawiecki: PiS must change

When asked whether he “fits the profile” of the successor of PiS president Jarosław Kaczyński, he expressed hope that Jarosław Kaczyński would only consider who his deputy could be in 10 years. – Then I will meet these criteria even better. I have gone through various icy waters and through various fires, not only in the party field, but in general I really believe that President Jarosław Kaczyński, when things go wrong, is even more energized, ready to act, and I am happy that it binds our huge political camp together, because it makes it whole – admitted Morawiecki.

Meanwhile, Mateusz Morawiecki continues the mission of forming a government, which – despite the parliamentary majority – was entrusted to him by Andrzej Duda. Unofficially, it is known that the head of the outgoing government has his first candidate for minister.

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