“Maybe we really need to make a new deal.” Hołownia gave a condition

“Maybe we really need to make a new deal.”  Hołownia gave a condition

Szymon Hołownia referred to the words of Donald Tusk, who does not rule out the organization of early elections. The Marshal of the Sejm gave a condition as to when this could happen.

After the words of Jarosław Kaczyński, who questioned the legal operation of the Sejm and supported the need to hold early elections, it turned out that this topic was also discussed by the government. And although there is no indication that the parliament will be dissolved anytime soon, Prime Minister Donald Tusk does not rule out such a possibility in the future.

The head of government said that if Andrzej Duda “obstructs”, he may discuss the issue of calling new elections with his coalition partners. The topic came up in connection with the risk of the president sending the budget to the Constitutional Tribunal. The presidential minister indicated on Wednesday why the head of state might decide to make such a move.

Will there be early elections in Poland?

The Speaker of the Sejm informed in an interview with TVN24 that he had not talked to the Prime Minister about early elections. Szymon Hołownia, commenting on the current political situation in Poland, pointed out that today we are at a point where we need to be able to say firmly, “I’m checking.” – Different people say different things and have different visions. And at the end we have to come and say, “Okay, if not this, then what? Suggest an alternative,” he explained.

The leader of Poland 2050 admitted that he did not believe in the scenario according to which the president would “sabotage the democratic process” and “pursue the agenda of one party”, but if this happened, “maybe we really need to make a new deal.” He further explained that, in his opinion, early elections are not something Poles are waiting for.

– Poles want the government that has already been elected to do its job and show new quality. But in politics you also need to be able to say, just like in poker: “I call, show me your cards, what are you planning.” And I would treat this announcement in these categories, summed up Szymon Hołownia.

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