Microsoft showed a game about Indiana Jones. Starring Harrison Ford

Microsoft showed a game about Indiana Jones.  Starring Harrison Ford

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle is a game about the adventures of the hero of a popular film series. Harrison Ford himself will star in the main role.

Players have been complaining for a long time that Microsoft does not pamper them too much when it comes to exclusive titles created for Xbox consoles and Windows PCs. So far, Sony and its PlayStation have almost always won in all rankings and plebiscites related to exclusive titles.

From time to time, Microsoft pulls an ace out of its sleeve, as it did last year with Starfield, but ultimately it turns out that Sony’s productions get the best ratings in reviews and enjoy the greatest recognition among gamers. This year, Microsoft wants to change that again, because at yesterday’s Xbox Developer_Direct conference, the company presented its new exclusive games. Indiana Jones and the Great Circle is one of them.

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle game shown in action

It must be admitted that visually the game looks great. In terms of gameplay, it also promises to be a sensational, cinematic adventure in the style of the Uncharted series, but with a first-person view. If we get an adventure here at least at the level known from the cult Indiana Jones films, we can be confident about the quality of the production. All the more so because the title character in the game is again played by Harrison Ford, known from the films, and the experienced Machine Games studio is responsible for its production.

Finally, I will add that the action of Indiana Jones and the Great Circle will take place in 1937, between the events known from “Raiders of the Lost Ark” and “The Last Crusade”. The exact release date is not known yet, but the creators promise that we will play this year and everything indicates that in this case there will be no delays.

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