Minister about “women tied to supermarket checkouts”. She turned to Ryszard Petru

The government wants to restore trade on Sundays.  But do Poles want this?

I would very much like the Third Way to pay more attention to how to enable women to make choices, e.g. when it comes to terminating pregnancies, deciding about their motherhood, and pay less attention to how to tie these women to the supermarket checkouts on Sundays, said the minister. Agnieszka Dziamianowicz-Bąk asked about relaxing the ban on trading on Sundays.

Agnieszka Dziemianowicz-Bąk admitted that her ministry is not currently working on a draft amendment to the Act that would increase the number of shopping Sundays.

Trading ban on Sundays. Minister on the situation of women

– I see and hear the voices of citizens, both consumers, who mostly support this restriction, are used to it, and enjoy the time spent on Sundays with their families. Mr. Petru, together with the Third Way MPs, can submit any parliamentary projects and we will refer to these projects – she said on RMF FM.

She added that “if I were to make an appeal to MP Petru, and to Third Way MPs in general, it would be to remind them that it is primarily women who work in trade.”

– This attitude of the Third Way towards women, towards their rights, freedom, safety, and the ability to decide about themselves and their time, raises my serious reservations. I would really like the Third Way to pay more attention to how to enable women to make choices, e.g. about terminating pregnancies and deciding about their motherhood, and to pay less attention to how to tie these women to the supermarket checkouts on Sundays, she concluded.

She also stressed that she would not limit herself to talks about shortening the working week. This solution could be beneficial for consumers such as Mr. Petru, who need an extra day to make such purchases – she said half jokingly, half seriously.

Ministry officials are analyzing scenarios for shortening the working week.

– These first cursory results show that a more sensible solution would be to shorten the working week to 4 days rather than to 35 hours – she said. In her opinion, it's high time for such changes. – Shortening the working week would be a social investment.

Dziemianowicz-Bąk would like this to happen during this term of the Sejm.

Poles do not want to shop on Sundays

At the beginning of March, the sixth anniversary of the introduction of the Sunday Trading Ban Act passed. Initially, stores were open on the first and last Sunday of the month, later only on the last Sunday, and from 2020, only seven commercial Sundays apply.

The Civic Platform promised to increase the number of shopping Sundays. It quickly turned out that the coalition partners did not agree on this matter. The Left does not want to change the law at all – and its opinion is particularly important because the Minister of Labor comes from this party. Poles are also divided on whether they need more shopping Sundays.

The SW Research agency, commissioned by “Wprost”, asked the question: “Are you in favor of lifting the ban on Sunday trading?” 46.1% answered affirmatively. respondents. 36.1% were of the opposite opinion. respondents, and 17.8 percent had no opinion on this matter.

Poles do not want shops on Sundays

A similar conclusion comes from a study conducted by UCE Research and the Offerista Group. It shows that 46% of respondents support the restoration of Sunday trading. Poles, and 44 percent is against it. The authors of the report emphasize that the acceptance of this solution has decreased by 8 percentage points within a few months. Moreover, they predict that if nothing further happens on this topic, support will decrease, but it should not fall below 40%.

– The survey results clearly show that Poles are strongly divided on the issue of the Sunday trading ban. However, supporters of returning to the situation before March 1, 2018, when all Sundays were commercial, are apparently decreasing. Last September UCE Research conducted an identical study for one of the largest trade portals on the market. Then the supporters of the above-mentioned there were 54 percent solutions. Currently, there are 46 percent of them. Therefore, there is a clear decline in a relatively short period of time, i.e. by 8 percentage points. in just a few months – said study co-author from the Offerista Group, Robert Biegaj, quoted in the release.

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