Nearly PLN 2.2 million was paid from the “Hotels for Medics” Foundation

Nearly PLN 2.2 million was paid from the "Hotels for Medics" Foundation

The “Hotels dla Medyków” Foundation, which was established at the very beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, paid out funds for a total amount of nearly PLN 2.2 million. Initially, the funds were intended to finance activities related to the fight against Covid-19, and then – after expanding the activities – for additional charitable activities and helping people in difficult life situations. You can support the foundation by donating 1.5%. tax.

In the first days of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Polski Holding Hotelowy Group became a natural hub between the hotel sector and the health care system. One of the many pro-social activities of the PHH Group was the establishment of the “Hotels dla Medyków” foundation, financing accommodation in private sector hotels for medical staff fighting on the front line.

Since April 2020, the foundation has paid out nearly PLN 1.8 million for actions against Covid-19. These funds included the payment of accommodation for doctors in hotels nearby 6.8 thousand roomsfor the amount of over 530 thousand zloty. In turn, the foundation allocated an amount of over 690 thousand zloty for financing 16.6 thousand accommodation for patients. In addition, equipment needed to fight Covid-19 was financed with a total value 524 thousand zloty.

We are hoteliers, but above all we are people. I am glad that the activities of the “Hotels dla Medyków” foundation, during the difficult period of the Covid-19 pandemic, contributed to helping not only medical staff, but also hoteliers by covering the costs of stay of doctors and patients in their hotels. For some, this financial support had a decisive impact on surviving this difficult period – says Gheorghe Marian Cristescu, president of the Polish Hotel Holding and the “Hotels dla Medyków” foundation.

After the development of the pandemic was stopped, the foundation’s activities were expanded to include additional charity activities. Thanks to this, financial aid with a total value 170 thousand zloty it went to people who found themselves in a difficult life situation (including co-financing for hip surgery for an 8-year-old girl, as well as financial support for a victim who lost her house as a result of a fire). The foundation allocated funds for other charitable activities 260 thousand zloty.

The Foundation does not cease its activities and thanks to the funds collected and the idea that guides us, we can continue to help and open ourselves to other needs. In particular, to help people who find themselves in difficult life situations and to support noble charity campaigns. In life you have to be able to share good, because good always comes back – adds Cristescu.

The “Hotels for Medics” Foundation has been operating since April 2020. The first million zlotys were transferred to the foundation’s account by Polski Holding Hotelowy. Ultimately, the foundation had PLN 3.25 million, which was collected thanks to the support of Polski Holding Nieruchomości, the State Enterprise “Porty Lotnicze” and the PWPW Foundation. The Foundation has obtained the status of a public benefit organization (OPP), thanks to which you can support its activities by donating 1.5%. tax.

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