Neo Hospital joins the Cancer Fight Days by organizing a preventive campaign against colon cancer

Neo Hospital joins the Cancer Fight Days by organizing a preventive campaign against colon cancer

From June 4 to 24, we celebrate Cancer Days, which aim to increase public awareness of cancer and promote prevention and early detection of cancer.

In Poland, one of the most serious oncological challenges is colorectal cancer. According to data from the National Cancer Registry, approximately 20.5 thousand new cases of colorectal cancer are diagnosed in Poland each year. The dynamics of the disease growth is very high, with an annual increase in the number of cases by approximately 4-5%. Colorectal cancer is also one of the main causes of cancer deaths in our country, causing the death of approximately 12,500 people every year. Specialists warn that most of the colorectal cancers they see are stage three and four, which makes it much more difficult and limits their options for effective treatment. And as they emphasize, knowing the symptoms of this cancer and regular prevention in the form of colonoscopy is enough to detect the tumor at an early stage.

Colorectal cancer is a modern syndrome

Many specialists agree that colon cancer is a syndrome of modern times and precisely of how we live and what we eat. First of all, modern lifestyle and our eating habits are considered the main causes of the increase in the number of cases of cancer, including colon cancer. Although genetic factors play a role in the development of this cancer, accounting for about 10-15% of cases, the vast majority, almost 90%, is related to the environment and our daily choices. A diet rich in red meat, saturated fats, a sedentary lifestyle, obesity, low physical activity, diabetes, alcohol abuse and smoking are the main risk factors. That is why prevention, and specifically colonoscopy, is so important, especially since access to this test has improved significantly over the last few decades. As in the case of cervical cancer, where cytological tests allow for early detection of pre-cancerous changes and prevent the development of invasive cancer, colonoscopy plays a key role in the prevention of colon cancer. The results of numerous population studies show that regular colonoscopy significantly reduces mortality from this cancer and increases its detection at an early stage, which allows for effective treatment. – says Joanna Szyman, President of the Management Board of the Neo Hospital Group.

What symptoms should not be ignored?

In many patients, early-stage colorectal cancer develops asymptomatically, which means that the disease may remain unnoticed for a long time. However, there are certain signals that should make us oncologically vigilant, especially if they occur frequently or are unusual for a given patient. Early signs to look out for include blood in the stool, getting tired quickly and feeling generally weak. Other disturbing symptoms include changes in the regularity of bowel movements, narrow stools called “pencil-shaped”, pain in the lower abdomen, around the navel or upper abdomen, as well as symptoms suggesting intestinal obstruction such as increased flatulence, nausea, vomiting and constipation. Specific symptoms of rectal cancer include traces of bright red blood in the stool, a feeling of incomplete emptying of the intestines, painful urge to defecate without being able to pass it, morning diarrhea and intestinal colic. Advanced stages of the disease may manifest as unintentional weight loss, loss of appetite and fever. Such symptoms require immediate medical consultation and may be a signal to perform diagnostic tests such as colonoscopy. Education about the symptoms of colorectal cancer is a key element of prevention and early detection of this cancer. Early diagnosis significantly increases the chances of effective treatment and improvement of patient prognosis. Therefore, the Krakow Hospital on Klinach decided to actively participate in the Cancer Days and offers free consultations with experienced surgeons to all interested patients who want to consult their ailments and symptoms. This is a unique opportunity to seek professional advice and obtain valuable information on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of this serious disease. – he adds Joanna Szyman.

We invite you for free consultations at the Hospital in Klinach, at ul. Kostrzewskiego 47 in Kraków on June 13. From 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., you will be able to have consultations with two specialists: Wojciech Kostarczyk, M.D. (general surgeon, proctologist, gastroenterologist) and Andrzej Kozłowski, M.D. (general surgeon). People interested in free consultations are asked to contact the registration staff of the Hospital in Klinach by phone at 12 267 40 64 or by e-mail (email protected) (the number of places is limited, the order of applications depends).

Colorectal cancer can be effectively treated using robots

The primary approach to the treatment of colorectal cancer is surgery, which aims to remove the tumor along with the surrounding healthy tissues and regional lymph nodes. In Poland, most surgical procedures for colorectal cancer are performed using the open method via laparotomy. However, over time, minimally invasive techniques such as laparoscopy or procedures using robotic systems are increasingly used. Minimally invasive techniques allow for a good oncological result and at the same time maximize the chance for a good quality of life after the procedure.

As he explains Dr. Jerzy Draus, M.D., who has performed over 1,000 colorectal surgeries using a robot – The use of a surgical robot allows for overcoming typical sensory and motor limitations, which translates into the precision of the procedure and values ​​for the patient, including less surgical trauma, minimizing the risk of complications, faster recovery and return to life activity. The procedure using a robot involves introducing miniaturized tools and a vision camera into the patient’s body, and then removing the affected tissues. The image of the patient’s body available to the surgeon is enlarged ten times in 3D full HD quality, hand tremors are eliminated, sudden movements are neutralized, and it is finally possible to scale the surgeon’s free movements into small and precise movements of tools that have a range inaccessible to the human hand. 560 degree movables. Additionally, the instruments are equipped with coagulation capabilities, which allows the surgeon to minimize bleeding.

The procedure performed using surgical robots results in reduced tissue traumatization, which translates into less painful and faster patient recovery. Additionally, precise tools allow you to minimize bleeding through precise coagulation, which reduces the risk of complications and speeds up recovery. These advantages make surgery using robots more and more popular in the treatment of various diseases, including colorectal cancer. Robots enable doctors to perform complex colorectal cancer procedures with greater precision and safety, which significantly improves the quality of life of patients after surgery.

About NEO Hospital:

A modern hospital of the 21st century is an efficient and creative combination of two foundations: people and technology. Belonging to the NEO HOSPITAL Group, Szpital na Klinach combines doctors with modern equipment, building an effective and patient-friendly medical center. Szpital na Klinach was established with the belief that care for the health, dignity, sense of comfort and safety of the patient are the most important values. Szpital na Klinach is made up of a team of almost 200 specialists and doctors who apply clinical practices based on experience gained in Polish and foreign centers. It offers medical care at the outpatient, diagnostic and surgical level, including in the field of gynecology, urology, orthopedics and surgery: general, vascular, oncological and plastic surgery. The hospital’s activity and high quality of services provided have been confirmed by international organizations such as the International Bariatric Club – Oxford University, or the International Hospital Federation. More information:

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