Niedzielski dismissed as Minister of Health. Morawiecki made a decision

Mateusz Morawiecki is launching a new initiative.  "The Great Countdown Begins"

Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki accepted Adam Niedzielski’s resignation as Minister of Health. The position is to be taken by PiS MP and doctor, Katarzyna Sójka.

The prime minister announced his decision on Monday afternoon. He offered the position of health minister to MP Katarzyna Sójka, a doctor who is a member of the health committee. – I am convinced that entrusting this function to Katarzyna Sójka is a good decision. Today, the MP is well prepared for this role, she is a doctor, an internist, highly valued by patients, said Mateusz Morawiecki.

Prescriptions for narcotics and psychotropic substances. Controversial statement by the minister

He also thanked Minister Niedzielski for assuming the function during the coronavirus pandemic. The head of government said that the media had manipulated the issue of prescriptions for strong painkillers. – The media and the opposing side have done an absolute manipulation and lie here. However, there was a mistake in exposing the lie. So that there is no focus today on the error, but on what is most important, i.e. the good of the patient, (…) such a decision has been made – explained Mateusz Morawiecki.

On Friday, August 4, the Minister of Health, Adam Niedzielski, in a Twitter post, responded to the words spoken by doctor Piotr Pisula in the Thursday edition of “Fakty” on TVN. In the program, the medic said that as a result of the introduction of new regulations limiting the possibility of remotely issuing prescriptions for narcotics and psychotropic drugs, he could not prescribe painkillers to his patients after surgery.

Controversy was caused by a fragment of Minister Niedzielski’s reply on Twitter. “Bow. Piotr Pisula, city hospital in Poznań, yesterday in “Fakty” TVN: “no patient could issue such a prescription”. We checked. The doctor issued a prescription for himself yesterday for a drug from the group of psychotropic and painkillers. Those are the FACTS. What lies await us today,” added the minister. In connection with the disclosure of this information, the President of the Supreme Medical Chamber, Łukasz Jankowski, turned to the Prosecutor’s Office and the Ombudsman for Patients’ Rights in this matter.

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