Nvidia is giving the game away for free on Steam. Portal: Prelude RTX looks phenomenal

Nvidia is giving the game away for free on Steam.  Portal: Prelude RTX looks phenomenal

Nvidia has published the free game Portal: Prelude RTX. The graphics card manufacturer has renewed Valve’s iconic production using the latest techniques. A dozen-year-old title looks like new.

The first Portal game was a wonderful production that immediately became a cult hit when it was released in October 2007. However, 16 long years have passed since the debut of Valve’s extremely successful title, so the graphics have already aged significantly.

Free Portal: Prelude RTX on Steam – Nvidia has tweaked the Valve classic

So Nvidia decided to improve production by combining a very popular modification with the knowledge of its graphics specialists. The Portal: Prelude mod is a significantly improved version of the game that the dedicated community of modders has been working on for years.

Portal: Prelude is the most sought-after and highest-rated set of fixes and improvements for the award-winning game. The mod also offers a completely new campaign that takes place before the actual Portal events.

Nvidia has made its version of the game available for free and from July 18 it can be assigned to our Steam account free of charge. At the same time, a video appeared on the company’s official YouTube channel in which players can see for themselves the corrections made by graphics specialists.

Portal: Prelude RTX on Steam – what does the Nvidia mod change?

The game looks beautiful, but what has actually changed? The improved production has gained powerful support for all the latest graphics techniques offered by Nvidia.

This includes, among others: o providing phenomenal lighting of Ray-Tracing (RTX) levels, or DLSS 3 technology, which allows you to increase the resolution in the game while relieving the system. Nvidia Reflex ensures lower display delays, and RTX IO allows you to significantly shorten loading times.

Interestingly, the company also boasts that it has retained the original vision of Portal: Prelude. Nicolas “NykO18” Grevet, the author of the original mod, was supposed to help with the remaster.

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