Online shopaholism. We buy more than we need. Every sixth customer thinks so

Online shopaholism.  We buy more than we need.  Every sixth customer thinks so

Poles love online shopping. More and more people are buying online. The biggest advantage, apart from quick and convenient shopping, is the possibility of returning an unwanted product. Online shopping means that every sixth customer buys much more things than he needs. Because he knows he can return it, he can’t decide or he wants to compare different products.

I love online shopping. I always order something online, and then if I don’t get the right size or the product doesn’t meet my expectations, I send back the purchased goods. I usually buy clothes for myself and my children – says Anna, a 40-year-old sales representative from Warsaw in an interview with The woman admits that she returns up to a third of the things she ordered, but she does not intend to give up this buying formula.

Online shopping. Convenience and time saving

She points out that online shopping is not only convenient for her, but also a great time saver. Another advantage is the lower price. Some things online are much cheaper than in a brick-and-mortar store. – This week I ordered school supplies and high school textbooks for the kids and very nice shoes for myself he adds. He orders sophisticated products both at work and from home.

Another fan of online shopping is Marzena, a public relations specialist. – Instead of going to the shops after work, all it takes is a few clicks. This can be done even during a short break from work – says. The biggest advantage of online shopping is the option of quick returns without having to go to the store again.

If I return online orders, it is most often because of the wrong size or non-compliance of the goods with the photos. Unfortunately, it often happens that something looks glamorous on the website, and when the package arrives, it turns out to be of poor quality material or even a different color – claims.

Most young consumers shop online. They do it regularly

Ela, a specialist in digital marketing, speaks in a similar vein. – I have a few favorite stores where I always order the same size. Unfortunately, it happens that different clothes of the same brand have different sizes. Sometimes size M is good, other times it’s too small, and sometimes it’s too big. I believe that clothes should be presented in different figures, then it is easier to find the cut he points out.

As much as 90 percent of young consumers buy online. More than half do it regularly. According to experts, quick returns in e-commerce, which customers so willingly and often use, are the greatest advantage of online shopping. This is confirmed by the latest reports.

A study conducted by the Polish leader of online payments for online shopping shows that 94 percent. of Poles are aware of the possibility of returning products purchased online within 14 days, without giving a reason. And they gladly use this right.

Online shopping. The advantage is the return of the goods without giving a reason

More than half of the respondents (55%) have returned products bought online, and a quarter of them have done so at least 2-3 times in the last year. Most often, the reason for sending the order back is the wrong size or defective product. Almost every third respondent (36 percent each) is of this opinion in both the first and second cases.

The third place was occupied by products that do not meet the expectations of buyers. For this reason, 28% of ordered items are returned. surveyed people. Almost every fourth respondent resigns from the received shipment when they see a product that does not match the description (26%), and every fifth (21%) when the ordered items differ from those presented in the photos.

Online shopping. What should e-shops take care of?

“These data show that e-shops, wishing to reduce the number of excessive returns, should pay special attention to the assortment offered, as well as its presentation and the accuracy of the descriptions provided” – say the authors of the study. The report also shows that 80% of of people order products consciously, although sometimes they give them up, but every sixth respondent (17 percent) buys more products online than they need.

Buyers admit that they do so with the idea that some of them will be returned. They order goods, e.g. to compare sizes or properties. Some of the reasons seem trivial, while others are about the inability to make a quick decision.

Most often, buyers order excess products due to free delivery in the store. This was the opinion of every eleventh surveyed customer. The same number of people order additional products because they are not sure about the item they are buying. Still others buy more than they need during the ongoing sales – 6 out of 17% do. groups of undecided people or due to the possibility of later payment for purchases (3 percent of this group).

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