Orlen in the Fortune Magazine ranking. There has never been such a leap

Orlen in the Fortune Magazine ranking.  There has never been such a leap

The Orlen Group jumped 208 places in the Fortune Global 500 ranking. “We were in the top five fastest growing companies,” Daniel Obajtek, the president of the energy giant, wrote on Twitter.

The Orlen Group is currently ranked 216th in the prestigious Fortune Global 500 ranking. Compared to last year’s ranking, it jumped by 208 positions. “The ORLEN Group is the largest company in this part of Europe! In this year’s edition of the ranking organized by Fortune Magazine. ORLEN was ranked 216th. A jump of 208 places in the global ranking means that we were in the top five of the fastest growing companies. Thanks to the acquisitions and integration with Grupa LOTOS and PGNiG, we have gained the strength to lead the energy transformation in the entire region,” Daniel Obajtek, CEO of the concern, wrote on Twitter.

Orlen is ahead of the giants

The 208th place in the world ranking means that the Polish Orlen is ahead of e.g. such global giants as Airbus, Bayer and IBM. Behind Orlen there are also e.g. Chinese tech giant Lenovo and Deutsche Bahn.

The first place in the ranking was maintained by the Wallmart group. Saudi Aramco jumped in second, after a 51 percent increase in revenues. Outside the podium was the American giant Amazon, which fell two places.

Orlen’s profits

The Orlen Group generated PLN 9.2 billion in profit in the first quarter of this year. The concern, whose revenues in the first three months of this year amounted to over PLN 110 billion, intends to spend PLN 36 billion on investments this year. From January to March, the company paid PLN 16.5 billion in tax to the state coffers.

We invest in the security and future of Poles. We allocate billions of zlotys for the implementation of strategic projects that will allow for the effective implementation of the green transformation, and as a result will provide Polish families and entrepreneurs with stable supplies of cheap, reliable and clean energy – said on Thursday, May 25, Daniel Obajtek, President of PKN Orlen, during a press conference summarizing the first quarter of 2023.

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