Palikot loses its houses due to the debts of an alcohol company. ZUS will claim its own

Palikot loses its houses due to the debts of an alcohol company.  ZUS will claim its own

Due to errors in managing the Beer, Vodka and Wine Manufaktura, Janusz Palikot has already lost three properties – reports Wirtualna Polska. In turn, found that the company was over PLN 400,000 in arrears. PLN of insurance premiums.

We regularly report on the problems of Janusz Palikot, president and majority shareholder of Manufaktura Piwa Wódki i Wina. At the beginning of 2023, the company, whose face was Kuba Wojewódzki, apart from the former MP of the Civic Platform, began to experience financial liquidity. At the end of the year, the company stopped paying employees on time, and in recent months the last investors, including Marek Maślanka and Kuba Wojewódzki, began to distance themselves from Palikot. In September 2023, the company submitted an application to the court to initiate arrangement proceedings.

Creditors do not believe they will get their money back

“Rzeczpospolita” obtained a list of the company’s receivables, which was to be provided by the supervisor along with the plan. The court concluded that Manufaktura has at least… 1,383 creditors to whom it owes PLN 237,859,942.19. Why such a large number? The factory borrowed money from private creditors, to whom it promised high interest and full investment security. Such as Mrs. Magdalena, who believed the assurances of the company representative, concluded a contract, borrowed PLN 35,000. PLN – and today he does not believe that he will get back the money paid, not to mention the interest. We talked to her earlier this year.

Not only the lenders but also Janusz Palikot lose from a failed investment. Wirtualna Polska found out that the tenement house at ul. Złota 4 in the Old Town of Lublin. Earlier, Palikot admitted that two of his houses worth a total of PLN 7 million were taken over to satisfy one of the creditors. These are properties in Warsaw and Mięćmierz, a charming and prestigious area of ​​Kazimierz Dolny – informs WP.

In turn, found that Manufaktura Piwa Wódki i Wina is over PLN 400,000 in arrears. PLN of insurance premiums. One of the creditors attached a letter to the files of the restructuring proceedings, which shows that the arrears to ZUS concern insurance premiums for the last four months of the previous year:

  • social insurance: PLN 303,590.01;

  • health insurance: PLN 93,480.53;

  • Labor Fund and Guaranteed Employee Benefits Fund: PLN 27,805.78.

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