Passport in just a few minutes this summer. Another Polish airport will introduce a revolutionary service

Passport in just a few minutes this summer.  Another Polish airport will introduce a revolutionary service

Soon, tourists departing from Gdańsk will be able to use the point of obtaining temporary passports. Earlier, a similar solution was introduced in Warsaw.

The departure time is approaching and you are nervously looking for your passport? A lost document will no longer be a problem. The airport in Gdańsk came to the rescue and was the second airport in Poland to decide to introduce a point for obtaining temporary passports directly in the departures hall. The revolutionary facility will be launched this summer.

Instant passport at the airport in Gdańsk

The Pomeranian Voivodeship Office plans to enable passengers to immediately obtain a passport just before departure. The point where we can immediately obtain a temporary passport will be at the next Polish airport. Last year, the revolution started in Warsaw, and now Gdańsk will join it. Although no specific date for the procedure has been announced yet, it is known that it will happen this summer. “Currently, due to the complexity of the process, the opening of the passport point is expected in July-August,” said Krzysztof Niemierko, head of the Passport Department at the Pomeranian Voivodeship Office in Gdańsk, in an interview with

Who can get a temporary passport?

A temporary passport can only be issued during the opening hours of the facility. In the case of Warsaw Chopin Airport, the point is open to tourists from Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. The cost of such a service is PLN 30. Travelers can apply for a passport immediately, regardless of whether they are waiting for a new document to be issued, have lost their passport or forgot to take it to the airport. The most important condition is to have a valid plane ticket. If you have another document confirming your identity, you should take it with you. If we do not have a current passport photo, the photo will be taken on site.

Each case of issuing a temporary passport is considered individually – so there is a risk that our situation will not be classified as exceptional and we will be refused. “The validity period of the document will be adjusted to the circumstances justifying its issuance. This means that the document may be valid for e.g. 1 day, 1 week, several months; no longer than 365 days. The decision on this matter is made by the official,” we read on the website.

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