PiS begins a program offensive. “No more crap and doors stuck with tape”

PiS begins a program offensive.  "No more crap and doors stuck with tape"

Throughout the week, Law and Justice will present the most important assumptions of its election program. To begin with, Mateusz Morawiecki presented the “Friendly Housing Estate” program.

Law and Justice launched a program offensive. The “first new specifics for the next term” were presented on social media. The “Friendly Housing Estate” program assumes the revitalization of housing estates consisting of blocks with the so-called big album.

“A friendly neighborhood.” What is the PiS program?

– Over 8 million Poles live in prefabricated housing estates. The whole of Poland should be friendly to people. We don’t want better or worse districts. We want the residents of these estates to have the best possible standard of living and housing, says Mateusz Morawiecki in a video posted on social media.

The Prime Minister emphasizes that “Law and Justice does not want to divide into Poland A and Poland B.” – We’ve done a lot here. Now we want the highest possible standard of living for people living in prefabricated housing estates, he explains.

Later in the clip, the head of government emphasizes that the program proposed by his party will mean a breakthrough for the residents of these estates. – Revitalization of thousands of buildings, new thermal insulation, modern elevators, new parks and rest areas for families – he enumerates.

– No more crap and doors stuck with adhesive tape. Only the PiS government will implement such an ambitious project – he assures at the end. In this way, the PiS politician referred to the situation from a few years ago, when Rafał Trzaskowski, as a candidate for the president of Warsaw, stuck the door in the room of one of the capital’s residents with adhesive tape.

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