PiS catches up with KO in new poll. “The question is whether Tusk won’t blow this advantage”

Tusk on the "poison of the 21st century". "Only one message: you have to get them"

The Civic Coalition is leading in the latest election poll. It has a slight advantage over Law and Justice.

If the parliamentary elections were held next Sunday, the Civic Coalition would win with 34.4 percent of support, according to the latest poll conducted by United Surveys for Wirtualna Polska. Law and Justice is not far behind the leader, and 33.7 percent of respondents declare their willingness to vote for this party.

The podium is closed by Konfederacja (11.9%). The next positions in the ranking were taken by Trzecia Droga (10.8%) and Lewica (6.2%). 0.5% of respondents claim that they want to vote for other parties, and 2.5% do not know who they would support in the elections.

The latest election poll. Expert on KO’s advantage over PiS

Prof. Jarosław Flis from the Jagiellonian University commented on the results of the survey. – The differences between PiS and the Civic Coalition are basically within the margin of statistical error. The results of the survey are also similar to the results of the elections to the European Parliament, with a significant difference: the Third Way has higher support. This shows that all these stories about its end, decline and despair were the result of a certain post-election fever – the sociologist assesses.

The expert also indicated what specific advantage the Civic Coalition has over Law and Justice. – It has two fairly certain allies. PiS, on the other hand, has one, and not at all certain – the Confederation. The question is whether Tusk will not “squander” this advantage – stated Prof. Jarosław Flis. – Kaczyński “squandered” the greatest advantage that brought him to power. At the beginning of the term, voters who described themselves as right-wing-Solidarity outnumbered those who were liberal-left by 3 to 1. After two terms of office, PiS has evened out this – added the sociologist later in his statement.

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