PiS parliamentarians will gather at Nowogrodzka Street. What will they talk about?

PiS parliamentarians will gather at Nowogrodzka Street.  What will they talk about?

All Law and Justice parliamentarians of the next term are to gather at the party headquarters. The head of the party’s parliamentary club revealed what the meeting will look like.

On Monday at the headquarters of Law and Justice at ul. There will be a meeting of newly elected parliamentarians – both the upper and lower houses – on Nowogrodzka Street. The information that such a “technical and introductory” meeting would take place was provided by party spokesman Rafał Bochenek over the weekend.

– Next Monday at 4 p.m. at the PiS headquarters at ul. Nowogrodzka there will be a meeting of all parliamentarians elected from PiS lists in the current parliamentary elections,” the politician told the Polish Press Agency.

The meeting will be held one week before the first meeting of the Sejm of the 10th term, scheduled for November 13. 194 MPs and 34 senators were elected from the Law and Justice lists.

Ryszard Terlecki revealed what the meeting will look like

Information that Monday’s meeting of newly elected PiS senators and MPs at ul. Nowogrodzka will only be of a technical nature, Ryszard Terlecki, head of the party’s parliamentary club, confirmed on TVP Info on Monday.

– There are many formal things that need to be done, such as submitting a declaration of contributions or writing down who would like to aspire to which committees. So today it will be rather technical work, and the club will meet before the Sejm session, Terlecki said.

Andrzej Duda intends to announce the decision regarding the future head of government

On the same day, at 8 p.m., President Andrzej Duda will deliver a speech in which the decision will be made as to who will be entrusted with the mission of forming a new government. It is still not certain whether it will be the current Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, whose party won the largest number of seats – 194 – or Donald Tusk, who with his coalition partners assures that he will be able to govern with a majority of MPs – 248.

“After consultations and deep consideration, President Andrzej Duda has already made a decision regarding the so-called first step. The decision is final, so I recommend those who wish to appeal to the President to watch the evening’s speech calmly, announced Marcin Mastalerek, recently nominated head of the Cabinet of the President of the Republic of Poland, on social media on Monday.

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