Players fell in love with Baldur’s Gate 3. They spent a total of 1,225 years in it in a week

Players fell in love with Baldur's Gate 3. They spent a total of 1,225 years in it in a week

A week has passed since the release of the long-awaited Baldur’s Gate 3. Players show that the game is a real masterpiece. Larian Studios has just provided very interesting data.

Larian Studios has done something that, knowing the current approach of publishers, few players believed. Not only did Baldur’s Gate 3 not disappoint, it became a model for other game producers.

Baldur’s Gate 3 breaks new records

The publisher of Baldur’s Gate 3, Larian Studio, has just tweeted very interesting statistics. Several graphics show the first week of the game in numbers. Some of the figures might seem shocking were it not for how good the game is.

Interestingly, only 368 players completed the entire game a week after its release. This may be due to the fact that the world is so complex that some people can spend the first 40-50 hours at the very beginning of the game, searching every chest, or looking behind every bush and boulder.

Every tenth player spent more than an hour on the character creation screen, which also says a lot about how many possibilities the game gives from the very beginning. In total, players spent 88 years in the hero creator. The most interesting, however, is the total statistics of hours in the game. In total, everyone who spent time in Baldur’s Gate 3 put in 10 million hours, which is more than 1225 years. Well spended time.

Players prefer to be good

The statistics also show that the vast majority (65.1%) of players choose dialogue options and actions that can be assessed as morally good. Only 34.9 percent is on the side of evil.

However, you can’t be surprised when you have a cute dog in the camp. Scratch has been scratched by players as many as 750,000 times. It’s probably for those healing potions and the gold he can bring in his mouth.

Paladins rule

The class selection stats are also interesting. It is clear that the favorite choice of players is the paladin. It outclassed all other classes, surpassing the number of 220,000. In second place is the sorcerer, and third is the warlock. Surprisingly, the last place was occupied by the cleric, which is one of the strongest classes in Dungeons & Dragons, on the basis of which Baldur’s Gate 3 is created.

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