Playgrounds were stopped by a regulation aimed at the so-called path developer

Playgrounds were stopped by a regulation aimed at the so-called  path developer

The regulations which, in the opinion of the previous government, were supposed to “civilize” new housing estates, will not enter into force on April 1. The deputy minister explained that it was a nod to local governments that had submitted their comments. Developers also have reservations: it is not even about the fact that they will not be able to sell the so-called micro-apartments (apartments below 25 square meters), but the bone of contention turned out to be playgrounds.

Yesterday we informed that the regulation on the conditions to be met by buildings and their location will not enter into force on April 1, but at a later, yet unspecified date. The regulation was prepared by the Minister of Development and Technology in the PiS government, Waldemar Buda, and was intended to be a powerful tool in the fight against the so-called pathodevelopment, i.e. building below certain standards.

This is how the government wanted to fight against pathetic development

The regulation is not only delayed, but it can be assumed that it will also be changed. In the form we currently know, it includes, among others: increasing the distance of a multi-family residential building over 4 stories high from the plot boundary to 5 meters. Until now, this distance was a minimum of 3 meters in the case of walls without windows or doors, and in the case of walls with windows or doors – 4 meters.

The regulation also introduced a ban on selling premises with an area of ​​less than 25 square meters. It will be possible to build premises with a smaller area provided that the premises are located on the first or second above-ground floor of the building and there is direct access to it from the outside of the building.

At Thursday's press conference, Deputy Minister of Development and Technology Krzysztof Kukucki announced that the regulations will not enter into force on April 1, and the delay is the result of listening to the comments of local governments.

– Currently, the ministry is analyzing what will be the optimal date to implement these good regulations, but at the same time so that the local government environment is convinced that this is the optimal moment – ​​said Kukucki.

Playgrounds are a bone of contention

It turns out that this is not entirely true. Developers also raised objections and their vote also influenced the government's failure to implement the regulations prepared by its predecessors. Developers criticized the regulations regarding the construction of playgrounds. The amended regulation introduced the obligation to build a playground for children next to each residential building, regardless of the number of apartments, provided that there are more than 20 apartments in the building or complex of buildings. The new regulations also precisely define playground equipment and the surface, which must meet the standards set out in the Polish Standards for playgrounds and surfaces. The playground must be equipped with equipment adapted to different age groups of children, enabling at least five children to play on every 20 square meters. square area.

And such a square takes up a lot of space.

“However, rigid regulations also covered additional development in city centers – single buildings on small plots, e.g. seals. It was not foreseen that, combined with the applicable development conditions, this may even make it impossible to build houses,” we read in “Puls Biznesu”.

The Ministry of Development suspended the regulation

Maciej Wandzel, member of the management board of the Polish Association of Developer Companies (PZFD), said in an interview with “PB” that imposing the obligation to plan playgrounds under the new rules is unfair to developers who bought land before the new regulations were announced, and in the light of them they would have to sometimes significantly redesign the investment.

– They bought plots of land before its introduction, often for several dozen million zlotys, and now they have to clear out part of the area and reduce the number of planned apartments. They calculated investments based on the provisions of local plans. Suddenly it turns out that they own a completely different property. This is an unintentional but costly foul, Wandzel said.

The deputy minister of development did not say when the amended regulation would come into force, but assured that “it is certainly a matter of no more than a few months.”

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