PLL LOT comment on the unfortunate advertisement. “We do not rule out removing it”

PLL LOT comment on the unfortunate advertisement.  "We do not rule out removing it"

LOT Polish Airlines used social media to encourage people to visit Prague. Unfortunately, the ad was not removed just after the university massacre took place in the Czech capital.

LOT Polish Airlines started advertising connections with Prague, Czech Republic, on Wednesday, December 20, in the evening. The problem is that on Thursday, December 21, the same city witnessed shocking events. At Charles University, an attacker opened fire on students and university staff, killing at least 14 people and injuring dozens of others.

Shooting at Charles University and advertising for flights to Prague

Although we are talking about an unpleasant coincidence, it is difficult not to notice that the Polish carrier’s advertisement was active on the Internet for a bit too long. The words about Saint Nicholas, who “stopped today in magical Prague, leaving behind him a trail of not only Christmas charm, but also a certain mysterious riddle”, sound extremely unfortunate in the context of the bloody attack.

“Look carefully at this photo – can you notice what he left behind in this picturesque setting? Hint: it’s something that always accompanies him during his Christmas trip,” we read further in the innocent PLL LOT entry. journalists asked the carrier’s press office about the entire situation.

LOT representatives were asked whether the advertisement should be removed in the face of the tragedy that occurred on Thursday. – I will contact our social media team and ask for intervention. We do not rule out its removal, replied Aleksandra Mościbrodzka from LOT Polish Airlines. – Such advertisements are, of course, ordered much earlier – she said. Shortly thereafter, the post disappeared from social media.

Massacre at Charles University in Prague

The shooting at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University in Prague took place on Thursday, December 21, after 3 p.m. A few dozen minutes later, the services announced that the attacker had been eliminated. According to Reuters, at least 14 people died and 25 were injured in the incident. The condition of seven people was very serious. Some of the injured had gunshot wounds, and some suffered from falling from a great height when they tried to save themselves.

“We mourn the lives lost from our university community, offer our deepest condolences to all those grieving, and our thoughts are with all those affected by the tragedy. We now ask everyone to try to remain calm and composed, and we again express our condolences to all those whose hearts have been broken by the loss of loved ones,” Charles University said in a statement.

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