Plus na Kartę with a new offer. 6400 GB for everyone

Plus na Kartę with a new offer.  6400 GB for everyone

The new Plus na Kartę offer makes using the modern possibilities offered by the Internet much more enjoyable. With a huge data package – up to 6,400 GB – you can watch movies and series without limits, have long video calls with friends or play online.

Plus na Kartę introduces a new campaign “GIGAnci Życia”, which shows how you can fully use the possibilities of the Internet in everyday situations. The campaign promotes a new offer in which you can receive up to 6,400 GB, which never expires. Plus na Kartę focuses on people who want to make the most of modern technologies.

Imagine you are standing in a long line at a store. Instead of getting bored, you can watch your favorite series on your phone and enjoy the time spent watching it. Or maybe you’re cooking dinner? Turn on the video recipe on YouTube and follow the steps of the master chef. Ironing shirts no longer has to be monotonous – listen to a podcast or an audiobook that will absorb you so much that you won’t even notice when you finish.

What about long commutes? You can listen to your favorite music on Spotify or an engaging audiobook, which will make the time on the bus or train go by much faster. While running or exercising at the gym, the Internet from Plus will allow you to access the latest playlists or video trainings that will make your training even more effective and motivating.

6400 GB for everyone

All customers – both new and existing – can benefit from a package of up to 6,400 GB. This gives users complete freedom to use the Internet without worrying about running out of data. Movies, series, online games, long video calls – all this becomes available at your fingertips.

To receive this package, simply top up your account with a minimum amount of PLN 35, activate one of the No Limit packages and enter the special code: 13611*6400# and confirm it with the handset button. To start, you will be granted 900 GB in the first month, and for the next 11 months you will receive 500 GB every 30 days (provided that the Unlimited package is maintained). In total, this gives up to 6,400 GB per year.

Best of all, these gigabytes never expire, so you don’t have to worry about losing them. Just use the internet how you want and when you want. It is certainly worth appreciating that the new offer applies not only to new, but also to existing Plus customers. The delivery of some digital services does not always pay such tribute to the people who already trust them.

2 months for the price of one

New Plus users can additionally take advantage of the “2 months for the price of 1” promotion, under which they will receive a 50 percent discount on activation and the first renewal of the package. In practice, they get a month of using the network for free.

To take advantage of this offer, simply top up your account with a minimum amount of PLN 15 and send an SMS to 80221 with the appropriate content: ZGODA30, ZGODA35 or ZGODA40. Each number indicates the price of the selected package: PLN 30 for a 30 GB package, PLN 35 for a 40 GB package and PLN 40 for a 50 GB package.

Additionally, by topping up your account with at least PLN 10 and sending an SMS with the text “ZGODA” to 80087, you will receive 400 GB extra for 30 days. If you choose a package for at least PLN 30, you will get 1,500 GB. However, if you decide on a package for at least PLN 35, the mentioned promotion with the 6,400 GB package is automatically activated.

This promotion is an opportunity for new users to try the Plus na Kartę offer and enjoy additional gigabytes. You can use the Internet for two months for the price of one, which gives you more opportunities to surf the Internet, watch movies or play online games.

You don’t have to worry about range and speeds

Plus knows that the quality of the Internet connection is crucial for both work and entertainment, so thanks to consistent investments and innovations, it provides its users with reliable and fast mobile Internet, which is often distinguished in industry rankings. Responsible for this quality:

  • Extensive infrastructure: The network is constantly investing in the development of its infrastructure, which leads to an increase in the number of transmitters and an extension of the range. This means that users can enjoy a stable Internet connection not only in large cities, but also in less urbanized areas. Thanks to these investments, even in remote regions of the country, the quality of the Internet connection remains at a high level.
  • 5G technology: Plus is one of the first operators in Poland to introduce 5G technology. Thanks to it, users can use very fast Internet, which significantly improves the comfort of using various online services. 5G technology offers faster download and upload speeds and lower latency, which is especially important in urban areas where the demand for high-speed Internet is greatest.
  • Quality and stability: Thanks to modern technologies and a carefully designed network, Plus ensures low latency. This is crucial for online gamers and people using streaming and video conferencing services. Low latencies translate into smooth and reliable connections, which is invaluable in dynamic and interactive applications.
  • Network traffic management: The network effectively manages network traffic, which allows for even distribution of load and minimizes the risk of overload. Thanks to this, users are less likely to experience speed drops or interruptions in Internet access, even during peak hours.
  • Technical assistance: Network customers can count on professional technical support that quickly and effectively solves any problems related to the use of internet services. This support is available 24 hours a day, which guarantees quick resolution of problems and continuity of Internet access.
  • Continuous innovation: Plus regularly introduces new technologies and solutions that aim to improve the quality of services provided. Investments in research and development allow the Plus network to maintain its leading position among telecommunications operators in Poland. Thanks to this, users can be sure that Plus will be able to meet the growing market demands.

“GIGants of life” – a new style of Plus na Kartę

The campaign’s slogan fits well into the nature of the new promotions: “Network virtuosos. Hashtag hunters. GIANTS of life. You are the center of the world. We are here at Plus na Kartę for you. Take gigabytes from us and enjoy life!”

Promotional spots show people in various everyday situations – while going to school, university, work, running, cycling, practicing sports, getting a massage, cooking or ironing. Thanks to the Internet from Plus na Kartę, each of these moments can be more pleasant, because users can chat with friends, watch series, matches or listen to music without wasting a moment of their precious time.

The aim of the campaign is for everyone to identify with the characters of the spots and see themselves in them. Plus focuses on authenticity, showing people as they are, without embellishments and filters. The campaign is supported by the song “Glorious” by Macklemore, which has gained great popularity on YouTube and Spotify. Macklemore has 6.5 million followers on Instagram and over 3 million on TikTok.

The new Plus na Kartę offer, supported by the “GIGAnci Życia” campaign, gives users complete freedom to use the Internet. Thanks to this, everyone can take full advantage of the network’s capabilities, regardless of the situation. The campaign, implemented by the Freundschaft agency, is present on television, radio, electronic media and the Internet, promoting authentic, everyday use of technology.

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