Poles love to fly here. Now the sunny country is fighting the locusts

Poles love to fly here.  Now the sunny country is fighting the locusts

The situation in Egypt does not look good. The country is struggling with a plague of pests that attack the southern part of the Red Sea province. The sight of them makes you want to run away.

Locusts are associated with the worst nightmares. We are talking about large migratory insects known from the entire Eastern Hemisphere. These regularly attack specific corners of the world from time to time. Now Egypt is struggling with them. Tourists who intend to visit the place should be prepared for unusual views.

Locusts in Egypt. It attacks specific places

Recently, there has been a lot of talk about locusts, among others: in Croatia. As recently as August last year, people complained about winged insects, among others. residents. They were visible in Split, but also in other cities, and worst of all, they were hiding, among others, in cars or hotels. What’s it like in Egypt? Here, the problem affects the area from Hala’ib, bordering Sudan, to the city of Bir Shalatin.

It turns out that the insects came from Sudan and attack, among others, trees and mountain crops. He commented on the matter, among others: Head of the Central Administration for Pest Control in the Ministry of Agriculture of Egypt, Ahmed Rizk. “The failure to fight the locusts on the Sudanese side resulted in them multiplying and crossing the Egyptian border. Locust control teams operating at the Egyptian Ministry of Agriculture are monitoring their swarms,” ​​he said in an interview with foreign media.

The fight against the locusts continues

Currently, the locusts have not yet reached popular resorts and cities, which means that tourists do not have to feel threatened. However, you must bear in mind that you never know when or if the situation will change. For example, the famous Marsa Alam is only 230 km from the attacked Bir Shalatin. The Egyptian authorities revealed that the problem was under control and a fierce fight was ongoing. Among the things that went into motion were: pesticides.

On-site disinfection has been going on for about a month. The aim is to prevent locusts from entering agricultural land in the Nile Valley. Specialists are still monitoring the situation in the areas of Marsa Alam, Bin Shalatin and Hamata. It is worth noting that although locusts look disgusting, they do not cause direct harm to humans. However, it destroys food, nature and our crops, which may even lead to disaster.

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