“Polexit” decided to remember itself. Brawl during the pre-election debate

"Polexit" decided to remember itself.  Brawl during the pre-election debate

A man broke into the studio where the debate before the European Parliament elections was taking place. He shouted that he was a candidate and wanted equal rights.

The European Parliament elections take place on June 9. Two weeks before them, “Super Express” organized the European Debate. The studio was attended by Patryk Jaki from Law and Justice, Ewa Zajączkowska-Hernik from Konfederacja, Andrzej Halicki from the Civic Coalition, Robert Biedroń from the Left, Michał Kobosko from Trzecia Droga and Janusz Korwin-Mikke from the Non-Party Local Government.

A man invaded the debate

Confusion broke out at the very beginning, when host Jacek Prusinowski introduced the guests. – Why is there no Polexit here? – Janusz Korwin-Mikke asked. – He will be in our last debate next week – replied the host, trying to move on to the question.

However, this did not work out. A man burst into the studio. – Polexit is exactly the same, a full-fledged participant in this debate! – he shouted to the cameras. – I am very happy, ladies and gentlemen, Jakub Perkowski, I am Polexit's candidate for the first place in district no. 1. This is list no. 4. You did not expect me here at all – he continued introducing himself.

The presenter's words were lost

The presenter tried to calm the situation and informed that Polexit was invited to the next debate. It didn't work. – I know that you want to exclude another coalition committee in the next debate. Polexit is exactly the same, a full-fledged participant in this debate! – Jakub Perkowski continued shouting.

– I said that this is a debate with the participation of the largest electoral committees, there is President Korwin-Mikke and you will also be there. Can we start the debate now or will you interrupt us? – the presenter tried to explain.

This also didn't help. – I will ask for a microport and I will be happy to participate without a desktop. I take full responsibility for being here because I want all viewers to be aware that there is a Polexit election committee and it is in fourth place on the list and you can vote for it because only the “Polexit” committee guarantees the possibility of preserving the remnants of Poland. sovereignty and regaining Poland's rank in Europe – this is a cocked gun put to the head of European officials – the man continued shouting.

Jakub Perkowski did not hear that only representatives of parliamentary committees were taking part in the debate, and “representatives of non-parliamentary committees do not appear in every debate.” He left the studio only after a few minutes.

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