Potatoes are more expensive than ever. The Irga variety has increased in price by over 80%.

Potatoes are more expensive than ever.  The Irga variety has increased in price by over 80%.

Expensive prices are taking their toll on millions of Poles. It drains our wallets and forces us to tighten our belts. Before making purchases, customers look for promotions. Unfortunately, prices can be seen almost everywhere. The prices of vegetables and fruits change from month to month. We will also pay more for potatoes than last year. One of the varieties is particularly more expensive and sought after. And there is less and less of it on the market.

A nationwide market in Warsaw’s Mokotów district. Before they start shopping, subsequent customers look through the promotional leaflet, hoping for significant price reductions. This week, among many products on promotion, you can buy potatoes cheaper. So far, this favorite vegetable cost PLN 2.99/kg. Now you can buy them for less than a zloty.

Potatoes at a promotional price quickly find buyers

“Polish edible potatoes in bulk – PLN 0.99/kg” – we read on the label. The previous crossed out price of PLN 2.99/kg is given below. The discount is 66 percent. People who have a special application on their phone can take advantage of this offer. However, the store has introduced restrictions. You can purchase a maximum of 5 kg bag per card for PLN 4.99.

Similar discounts were offered by a competing discount store located a few hundred meters away. There you can also buy potatoes for less than PLN 1/kg, i.e. for one third of the current price. Customers do not hide their surprise, many of them did not believe the promotional price. — It hasn’t been this cheap for many months – buyers say in unison. Popular vegetables quickly find new buyers because the promotion lasts until Saturday.

Cheaper in the supermarket than at the vegetable market. Potato prices go up significantly

Promotional prices in supermarkets are much lower than at the vegetable market in Bronisze near Warsaw. There, both sellers and grocery store owners pay from PLN 1.3 to PLN 1.5/kg for potatoes. The exception is one variety that has recently become much more expensive. You can pay even more than PLN 2 per kilogram of Irgi.

According to experts, potatoes are more expensive than they should be at this time of year. According to the websitezywa.pl, potatoes have gone up in price by over a third (38.64%). As for Irga, the price differences are clearly visible. This type of potato has increased in price by over 80%.

Customers are looking for this potato variety. Less Irgi on the market

“We have very little Cotoneaster this year. And production will continue to decline,” farmers say. They point out that most customers first ask about the white potato variety. Food market experts also speak in a similar tone as farmers.

According to Janusz Piechociński, former deputy prime minister in the PO-PSL government, the increase in potato prices is due to a much smaller harvest. “There were regions of Poland where the weather decimated crops” – said the expert in an interview with Fakt. In his opinion, there is another reason for this state of affairs. “Another reason is the smaller area of ​​potato fields. Farmers preferred to sow grain and corn. “It’s not just our problem, but the whole of Europe.” – added the former deputy prime minister.

Price increases on the vegetable market were quickly felt by customers purchasing vegetables at local markets. Large cotoneaster usually costs PLN 4/kg. In some vegetable stores it is even more expensive. – It’s expensive, but it will get even more expensive – note the stand owners. Apart from Irga, customers most often buy varieties such as: Catania, Sifra, Noya, Ricardo and Montecarlo. For most buyers, the only or most important indicator is the price of potatoes.

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