Prigozhin’s troublesome funeral. The Kremlin does not want it to turn into “something more”

Prigozhin's troublesome funeral.  The Kremlin does not want it to turn into "something more"

It is still not known where exactly the former leader of the Wagner Group, Yevgeny Prigozhin, will be buried. The media in Russia suggest that it will be the Serafimov cemetery in St. Petersburg. They have quite a few reasons to believe so.

It is already known that Vladimir Putin will not attend the funeral of Yevgeny Prigozhin. On Tuesday, August 29, this was announced by the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Peskov. However, he did not reveal any other information about the burial of the head of the Wagnerians. This resulted in a wave of speculation in the Russian media.

Where will Yevgeny Prigozhin be buried?

Neither state nor city authorities comment on the place and date of the funeral. Officials from St. Petersburg anonymously only inform that everything has been classified. Telegram commentators explain this approach with the Kremlin’s fears of possible riots or demonstrations. The authorities do not want the last farewell of the popular Prigozhin to turn into “something more”. They expect people from all over Russia to come to the funeral.

The Sefarimovsky cemetery, which is supposed to be the resting place of Prigozhin’s remains, is currently heavily patrolled by the police and other services. The necropolis has been occupied to such an extent that traffic jams form on the access roads. Bogatyrsky Prospect leading to the cemetery was completely closed to traffic.

The burial place of the head of the Wagnerians is kept secret

Moreover, on August 29, a decision was made to ban entry to the above-mentioned cemetery. A metal detector was installed in front of its main gate, and asphalt washing began near Prigozhin’s possible burial site. The Tuesday funeral service for the dead was also canceled and special tents were set up in the corners of the necropolis.

It is possible that Priogozhin will be buried in another St. Petersburg cemetery. Preparations were also noticed at Bogoslawski, Severny and Smolensk. There, however, the scale of actions taken is much smaller, so Serafimowski remains the natural type of journalists.

Death of Yevgeny Prigozhin

On Wednesday, August 23, around 6:30 p.m., an Embraer ERG 135 plane belonging to Yevgeny Prigozhin crashed in the Tver Oblast in Russia. Everyone on board the plane died. According to the Federal Air Transport Agency, the head of the Wagner Group was among the passengers. “According to the list of passengers, the name and surname of Yevgeny Prigozhin is among them,” it was noted.

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