Rafał Patyra disappears from TVP. “We’ll see where God leads.”

Rafał Patyra disappears from TVP.  “We'll see where God leads.”

Telewizja Polska does not intend to extend the contract with Rafał Patyra – the Wirtualne Media portal found out. The journalist’s contract with the TVP Sport channel expired in December, before the change of management in the company.

On Friday, December 29, Rafał Patyra shared a recording on Instagram in which he tried to get to the headquarters of “Teleexpress”. However, his entry card did not allow him to unlock the door. “Another day without Teleexpress. The door to the editorial office is closed silently.. – he wrote.

Changes in TVP. Rafał Patyra fired

Since December last year, the journalist has not been bound by a contract with TVP Sport. – We have switched to an honorary model – he said in an interview with the Wirtualne Media portal. However, the person responsible for hiring employees at public television did not agree with this.

– Rafał Patyr’s contract expired before the change of government at TVP and we do not intend to extend it – the website informed. The journalist refused to comment on the information about the dismissal. However, he answered the question about his future professional plans. – We’ll see where God leads, no specifics for now – he told Wirtualne Media.

The return of “Teleexpress”

Rafał Patyra has been associated with Telewizja Polska since 2003. Over the course of 20 years, he worked, among others, in a sports editorial office, was a presenter of “Sport Telegram” and co-host of the “Szybka Piła” magazine. He also hosted the programs “Pytanie na breakfast” and “Good morning, Poland!” and served as the site of the TVP football team. In 2016, he also became one of the presenters of “Teleexpress”.

At the beginning of January, the head of the Television Information Agency, Grzegorz Sajór, announced in an interview with Wirtualne Media the return of the magazine, which has been broadcast since 1986. “Teleexpress” will return to TVP1 on Thursday, January 4, and Maciej Orłości will become one of its hosts again. Aleksandra Kostrzewska, who made her debut on TVP Info the day before, is also expected to join the service.

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