Ran out of mayonnaise? Żabka issued a statement regarding the opening of stores

PiS defeat in the December 24 case.  The government project was lost

Before this year’s holidays, you had to plan your shopping carefully: stores are closed today. The only chance to do some last-minute shopping is provided by some Żabka stores and small family stores.

There is no chance for the last pre-Christmas shopping in discount stores today, because it is a Sunday free from trading. However, if someone runs out of some ingredients to prepare a dish, they can go to a small shop where the owner stands behind the counter. In accordance with the rules applicable on non-trading Sundays, such establishments may be open every day, including holidays.

Żabka may also offer hope for replenishing supplies. The Żabka Polska Press Office informed that on December 24-26, 2023, the same operating rules will apply as on Sundays subject to trade restrictions. Stores benefit from an exemption for entrepreneurs selling in person and on their own account. It is the franchisees themselves who decide to open stores.

Non-trading Sundays: what next?

Trading-free Sundays have been in force since 2018. Initially, stores were closed on two Sundays a month, but over time the frequency of opening decreased, so that we have only seven Sundays on which we do shopping. Closing stores does not have a particularly long tradition, and as it turns out, most Poles would like to freely decide when to shop – or at least have the opportunity to do so on two Sundays a month.

At the request of Business Insider, UCE Research asked a representative group of Poles whether they were in favor of restoring trade on all Sundays. As much as 52.6 percent respondents want to be able to shop on the second day of the weekend. This is not tantamount to a declaration that respondents will shop that day, but they simply want to have such an opportunity.

37 percent would like the regulations to remain in their current form.

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