Recruitment for co-financing the replacement of asbestos roofs is starting. How to get money?

Recruitment for co-financing the replacement of asbestos roofs is starting.  How to get money?

Recruitment for funding for the replacement of asbestos roofs will begin soon. Who can apply for funds to replace an asbestos roof?

  • Who is eligible for funding for replacing an asbestos roof?
  • What funding can you get?
  • Recruitment for funding for roof replacement
  • What about asbestos collection?

From mid-December it will be possible to submit an application for funding for the replacement of an asbestos roof. The deadline for submitting documents is quite short and falls during the holiday season, so it is worth finding out in advance how much funding you can get for this project.

Who is eligible for funding for replacing an asbestos roof?

The following people can apply for funding for roof replacement:

  • natural persons who are subject to farmers’ social insurance under the Act as a farmer and who have been assigned an agricultural producer identification number

  • natural persons who are owners or co-owners of the building where the roof will be replaced

What funding can you get?

Financing for roof replacement is large – the maximum amount you can receive is PLN 20,000. Support can be obtained for replacing 500 m2 of the roof, the aid rate is PLN 40/m2. An advance payment of 50% may also be granted for the replacement of the roof. support values.

Recruitment for funding for roof replacement

To receive funding, you must complete an application for funding. This will only be possible from December 15, 2023 to January 12, 2024. The application can be completed online via the ARiMR Electronic Services Platform.

What about asbestos collection?

You should also ask the commune about collecting the removed asbestos. In some regions, acceptance is carried out continuously, in others only on specific dates, e.g. in Warsaw, the collection of applications for asbestos collection lasts from September 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024.

To check this, it is worth obtaining information from the commune office or checking the Public Information Bulletin.

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