Roman Giertych surprised Monika Olejnik on TVN24. “We have already started from scratch”

Roman Giertych surprised Monika Olejnik on TVN24.  "We have already started from scratch"

Roman Giertych spoke in an interview with Monika Olejnik about holding PiS governments to account. At one point, astonishing words fell from the attorney’s mouth.

During the meeting of the PiS government settlement team, Roman Giertych announced that actions would be accelerated. The KO MP announced that he would talk to Adam Bodnar this Friday, June 28, about his latest ideas.

This is how Roman Giertych wants to hold PiS politicians accountable

The politician admitted that the voters of the Civic Coalition believe that the PiS government is being held to account much too slowly. – This is partly due to the impatience that has been building up for eight years. For eight years we felt so powerless in the face of what was happening, and that is why the expectation is huge that the work of the prosecutor’s office would simply last shorter – he said in the “Kropka nad i” program.

Roman Giertych proposed to remove from the National Prosecutor’s Office those investigators who were nominated by Zbigniew Ziobro. – First, it can be suspended for six months, next year we can adopt a law that will make it easier. There may be disciplinary proceedings that will lead to removal, he explained.

– This is an unprecedented situation in the history of any EU country for the prosecutor’s office to notice the activities of an organized criminal group headed by the prosecutor’s office and the Ministry of Justice. Therefore, there must be an appropriate reaction from the Polish Parliament, he added.

Roman Giertych surprised Monika Olejnik

– Are you proposing a purge in the prosecutor’s office to start from scratch? – Monika Olejnik asked. Roman Giertych answered this question in the negative and then tried to criticize the former Minister of Justice. – We have already started from scratch. Zbigniew Ziobro is under investigation regarding the Justice Fund, the KO MP joked.

The host of the program on TVN24 did not react to these words. The attorney’s statement is a reference to Leszek Miller’s comment from several years ago. During the meeting of the commission of inquiry into the Rywin scandal, Miller said to the current Minister of Justice: “You are a zero, Mr. Ziobro.”

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