Russian hackers with another attack on Poland. Here are the goals

Russian hackers with another attack on Poland.  Here are the goals

Russian hackers attacked infrastructure in Poland again. This time, groups acting on behalf of Moscow targeted the systems of the Polish Post Office and the Warsaw-Modlin airport.

Hacker groups supporting Vladimir Putin’s regime attacked numerous targets in Polish cyberspace. The victims of the action were, among others, sites related to rail and air transport, as well as protection of the country’s borders.

Hacker attack on Poland – NoName057(16) strikes again

Two Russian groups are responsible for the attacks – Cyber ​​Army of Russia and NoName057(16). For several days now, they have been attacking a number of official websites of various Polish institutions and targets related to Ukraine.

The official websites of the Association of Ukrainians in Poland, Poczta Polska and the Warsaw-Modlin Airport were allegedly subjected to DDoS attacks. Difficulties also appeared on the websites of the Tax Chamber and the Border Guard. Hackers also hindered railway communication, preventing Internet users from obtaining information about the timetable of trains going to Kiev.

It is worth recalling that DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks do not involve taking over data from servers, but prevent websites from functioning by “clogging” them with a huge number of requests for access to content. This type of actions have become the signature of the NoName group. Fortunately, website users do not have to worry about losing confidential data or passwords.

Cyber ​​Army of Russia focuses on Polish attacks

While NoName057(16) has been attacking Polish systems for many months, the Cyber ​​Army of Russia group has been much less active in our cyberspace. Recently, however, in a message on Telegram, representatives of the collective emphasized that they were changing their strategy. So far, hackers have focused on targets in Ukraine, but now they intend to also target Poland. Apparently our country is “losing its roots and common ground with Russia.”

– The aim of these Russian groups is to disrupt the smooth operation of public institutions and increase anxiety in Poland as an active partner supporting Ukraine during the war – comments Wojciech Głażewski, country manager of Check Point Polska.

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