Safe Loan 2 percent Peak of interest behind us?

Safe Loan 2 percent  After a month.  You know how many requests

The number of applications for Secure Credit 2% is gradually slowing down, while the number of concluded contracts is growing faster, says Agnieszka Wachnicka, vice-president of the Polish Bank Association, in an interview with RMF FM. Only in the previous week, more than a thousand agreements were concluded, i.e. half of all signed so far.

According to RMF FM, the previous week was a record for the Safe Credit 2 percent program. So far, Poles have submitted over 30,000 applications. applications for a loan with a government subsidy, and nearly 2,100 have already signed a loan agreement, of which over a thousand – i.e. half of all agreements signed so far – were concluded just in the previous week.

Safe Loan 2 percent Less conclusions?

There are many indications that the peak of the number of applications submitted under the Safe Credit program of 2 percent. is behind us.

– Gradually, the number of applications is growing a little slower, while the number of concluded contracts is growing faster. This is obvious. The applications are already in the banks, so now this process of concluding contracts will be accelerated – says Agnieszka Wachnicka, vice-president of the Polish Bank Association, in an interview with RMF FM.

The radio station reports that at peak, almost a thousand applications were sent to the banks a day. However, it should be remembered that each person or family applying for a loan could submit documents to several institutions.

The average loan amount is approx. PLN 360,000. PLN, which is well below the upper limit (PLN 500,000 for a single person, PLN 600,000 for parents with a child). This may suggest that the program is mainly used by residents of smaller towns, where flats are cheaper.

Since the launch of the program at the beginning of July this year, real estate development companies have recorded several percent increases in real estate sales.

Program changes

Meanwhile, at the last sitting, the Sejm introduced changes to the Safe Credit 2 percent program. Let us remind you that according to the current rules, a person who has not turned 45 may apply for a loan (in the case of married couples, it is enough that one of the partners meets this condition). One of the changes provides that a loan may be granted to an applicant who does not meet the age criterion, as long as it is used to purchase premises in which the borrower lives on the basis of an institutional lease agreement with ownership (this is a nod to the pages of the Mieszkanie Plus program, which was completed a few months ago). In such a situation, meeting the age criterion is determined on the date of signing such an agreement. The loan will therefore be available, for example, to a person who is currently 47 years old, but was not 45 years old at the time of concluding the said lease agreement.

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