Safe loan 2 percent raised housing prices. The creator of the program found the culprit

Safe loan 2 percent  raised housing prices.  The creator of the program found the culprit

The Safe Credit 2% program was launched in the second half of last year. led to an increase in housing prices. According to former Minister of Development Waldemar Buda, the current government is responsible for this, as it has not decided to continue the program.

Safe 2% loan program. was launched in July last year. People who were under 45 years old on the date of submitting the loan application could apply for a loan with a subsidy. A person taking out a housing loan and persons belonging to his or her household will not be able to have ownership rights to a residential premises or a single-family house before the date of its granting.

Safe loan 2 percent led to an increase in prices. Tusk's fault?

The program enjoyed great interest and contributed to an increase in real estate prices. The BIG DATA BIG DATA data quoted by Radio Zet shows that since July last year there has been a significant price acceleration in almost all metropolises. The most, as much as 27%. prices increased in 2023 in Tricity. In Kraków, the increase was 24 percent, while in Warsaw the average price per square meter of apartments offered by developers increased by 23 percent.

The Ministry of Development and Technology was responsible for implementing the program. Waldemar Buda, who was then in charge of the ministry, emphasized today in an interview for Radio Zet that he had nothing to complain about regarding the situation on the real estate market. Donald Tusk's government was blamed for the price increase.

– Please pay attention to when real estate prices increased. After the elections in October, the current government announced that it would not continue the “2 percent Safe Loan”. What did this lead to? Many people panicked who were planning to buy a flat even in 2024, but were afraid that the program would not exist, as announced. And they went to buy this apartment in 2023 – explained the former head of the Ministry of Development and Technology.

– Today's government is fully responsible for this. If they had said “we are extending the 2 percent loan”, it would have been spread over a year and a half and there would have been no problem at all. They take responsibility for this situation today – added.

Let us recall that the new government announced that the Safe Credit 2% program will replace the new “Mieszkanie na start” program. Its launch is planned for the second half of the year.

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