Scientists have developed a new processor for artificial intelligence. This could be a revolution

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Scientists have developed a new type of chip whose operation is based on the flow of light. This may be the first revolution in processor construction since the 1960s.

Artificial intelligence is developing at an alarming rate, and with each new milestone, the pace becomes even faster. To handle increasingly complex algorithms, we will need much more advanced computers over time, because those currently produced may at some point stop keeping up with the pace of development of AI technology.

Companies producing processors are releasing newer models to the market, but they are all based on technology that dates back to the 1960s. Scientists from the University of Pennsylvania in the United States want to change this, who have developed a completely new type of chip to meet the increasing hardware requirements. imposed by artificial intelligence. The system is called Silicon Photonics.

Silicon photonic chip will help in the development of AI

Scientists have designed a special photonic microchip that will significantly accelerate the calculations needed for artificial intelligence, while reducing energy consumption. Its operation is based on the flow of light, which is intended to accelerate important mathematical operations carried out for the functioning of AI.

Interestingly, the new type of chip, like traditional chips currently used in computers, is also made of silicon. Thanks to this, it can be produced using current production technologies, which can significantly accelerate its possible wide-scale use.

Energy efficiency and safety

However, in construction using silicon, the similarities with traditional processors end because, unlike them, the photonic chip is much more energy efficient. Its operation is based on controlling the flow of light, not electric current.

The system developed by American scientists is also expected to be much safer than those currently produced. This is possible because processing large amounts of information at one time means that no data has to be stored in working memory, which could be accessed by hackers.

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