Secret talks between PSL and PiS? Zych: If I were to talk to the prime minister, he would have to start by apologizing

Secret talks between PSL and PiS?  Zych: If I were to talk to the prime minister, he would have to start by apologizing

– Politicians meet and talk in various situations, but I am not aware of any serious meetings with PiS. If I were to talk to the prime minister about any cooperation, he would have to start with an apology, says the honorary president of PSL, Józef Zych, in an interview with “Wprost”. The former Marshal of the Sejm also admonishes the leader of Poland 2050: – I would advise Mr. Szymon not to raise issues that antagonize in the future, but to focus on what connects.

Agnieszka Szczepańska, “Wprost”: We already know the date of the parliamentary elections, and the campaign has officially launched. Joint decision PSL clash with Poland 2050 was good?

Joseph Zych: Undoubtedly, the situation is difficult, so I look at it with moderate optimism. If the PSL mobilizes, we will rather enter the Sejm.

I think 60 percent. we will cross the electoral threshold.

Would it be better if PSL went to the elections alone?

We considered it and I would prefer that we run under our own banner, but since all the pros and cons have been analyzed and the General Council decided so, I accept it, I have no other choice.

The PSL leader quite clearly assessed the PO initiative – million hearts march, claiming in Polsat News that “The third way has its march for victory, which is not a one-day march and a shortcut”. Do you think so too?

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