She will remember this visit to Paris for a long time. The Polish woman was horribly deceived

She will remember this visit to Paris for a long time.  The Polish woman was horribly deceived

The Polish woman went to Paris with a friend. The two were scammed just minutes after they got off the plane. They wanted to buy city tickets for 3 days from the machine. Suddenly, the “helper” appeared.

Are you going to Paris? Be careful. Local fraudsters operate in various ways, and the classic subway pickpockets do not end there. A young Polish woman shared her visit to the French capital. She wanted to buy city tickets for 3 days. It only took 10 minutes for him and his friend to lose as much as 60 euros.

Polish woman cheated in Paris. Warns other tourists

Aleksandra, who runs a profile on TikTok called @alexakalasz, shares her unpleasant experience. “I was cammed in Paris in the first 10 minutes of my stay there,” she reported. The action takes place in a crowded metro station next to the famous ticket machines. The woman wanted to buy tickets for two people. These were supposed to be valid for 3 days of sightseeing. The woman was there for the first time, so she felt a little lost, and the fraudster took advantage of her absent-mindedness.

When the Polish woman was going to buy a ticket from a machine and was wondering about the perfect option for herself, a woman dressed as a metro station employee suddenly appeared next to her. She offered help. “I didn’t expect this,” Aleksandra described the event. “The lady was dressed as if she worked there, she had a uniform like everyone else. She started talking super fast and asking a lot of questions. Then she put her Navigo card to the machine and started clicking something on the screen, as if she was buying us a ticket. She asked us for 60 euros,” added the deceived tourist.

Poles lost money. The ticket was valid for one journey

The tourist couple initially didn’t notice that something had gone wrong. She was sure that a subway employee had helped them. Later it turned out that it operated according to the classic scheme of scammers. “When we couldn’t see, she took out tickets for us from her own pocket, not the machine, and hid the money,” the Pole described.

It turned out that the tickets worked once the tourists passed through the gates. At first they were sure that everything was fine. Unfortunately, after the third ride, the tickets were no longer valid. At the information point, it turned out that the Poles had been tricked and given a single ticket for 1.30 euros by the “helpers”. This price was previously carefully erased with a marker.

“During your trip to Paris, be careful, don’t be fooled like I was and use your brain,” the Pole appealed to all tourists. It must be admitted that this is a very valuable tip. Have you ever been a victim of a similar situation?

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