Sikorski angered the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. There is a reaction to the new restrictions

Sikorski angered the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.  There is a reaction to the new restrictions

Radosław Sikorski announced new restrictions on Russian diplomats. The decision angered the Russian Foreign Ministry.

On Monday, during a press conference after the meeting of foreign ministers of European Union countries in Brussels, the Minister of Foreign Affairs announced a decision related to Russia's participation in the hybrid war against the EU and Poland. – Restrictions will be introduced on the movement of Russian diplomats around our country, he noted.

– The Russian embassy will soon receive a note on this matter. The restrictions will apply to both the embassy itself and the consular staff of the Russian Federation in Poland, said the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. According to the new rules, these people will be able to move around Poland only within Masovia, and consuls only in the voivodeships in which they operate. The Russians reacted bitterly to this decision on May 27.

Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokeswoman: Russophobic Polish top

The spokeswoman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Maria Zakharova, commented on the matter. – Russia will analyze Poland's note regarding restrictions on the movement of Russian diplomats and will respond in a way that the Russophobic Polish tops will regret it – she said, according to the Russian News Agency TASS, the editors of the website.

Russian media (including RIA Novosti), which quoted the words of the director of the Department of Information and Press of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, reported that Russia has not yet received the note – which Sikorski mentioned – yet.

Sikorski: Other countries already have such regulations

As Sikorski recalled on May 27, in the context of the decision he announced, “other countries already have such regulations.” – We hope that others will follow our example – he said. At the press conference, the Minister of Foreign Affairs also spoke about evidence of “the involvement of the Russian state in authorizing sabotage” – including in Poland.

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