Spooky moments on board the plane from Krakow. The Italians acted quickly

Spooky moments on board the plane from Krakow.  The Italians acted quickly

Boeing flew from an airport in Małopolska on Monday and landed in Italy. At some point, one of the pilots noticed a fault with the on-board system.

As described by ansa.it, the alarm at the Italian airport was activated in the evening. The plane, which had 186 passengers on board, experienced a failure, which forced the captain to take steps in accordance with procedures.

“Contingency plan activated”

The source says that the crew asked for permission to land immediately. Such consent was, of course, given – “an emergency plan was activated” at the Italian Cagliari-Elmas airport. The plane's crew cooperated with Sogaer, which manages the international airport. The place where the plane was supposed to land was soon swarming with ambulances and other types of services, including: fire brigade or airport employees.

In the meantime, other flights were canceled – from Catania and Naples. Passenger planes were supposed to land in the same place shortly later. The crews were shown another airport – Alghero airport, more than 200 km away, in the north-west of Sardinia. According to journalists, the plane landed and inspections began shortly thereafter.

The event was also described by unionesarda.it. “The on-board system started flashing,” journalists say. According to this source, there were not 186, but 187 people on board. As part of the airport's emergency plan preparations, seven fire brigade teams, the port master's office and the police were called in, we read. It is not yet known what caused the problem. This is most likely being determined.

Australia. Sparks flew from under the machine

We recently reported on an equally dangerous situation that occurred in Australia. At the beginning of April, a Beechcraft 58 Baron plane landed in emergency mode at the Gold Coast airport. There was a chassis failure that looked very dangerous and impressive – sparks started flying from under the machine. Appropriate actions allowed us to avoid a disaster here as well.

The incident was described, among others, by journalists from the British television Sky News, was filmed – the video of the event was published, among others, on the YouTube platform.

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