Stanisław Mieszkowski – a precursor of modern solutions in the Borowa commune

Stanisław Mieszkowski – a precursor of modern solutions in the Borowa commune

A modern kindergarten, multi-purpose sports fields, renovation of roads and sidewalks, a new cardiology clinic – these are just some of the successes of Stanisław Mieszkowski, the mayor of the Borowa commune. The local government official, thanks to efficient management and listening to the needs of the residents, turned the commune into a real pride of Podkarpacie. We present the profile of the winner of this year’s “Wprost” Innovators in the Innovative Commune category.

In 2018, Stanisław Mieszkowski was re-elected as the mayor of the Borowa commune after 20 years. For 30 years, he has been gaining experience in local government, performing various functions: chairman of the Housing Estate Council, councilor of the Mielec City Council and director of the Investment Department at the District Office in Mielec. In his previous work, he has become known as a precursor of innovative solutions, and the experience and specialist knowledge he has gained best illustrate the dynamic development of the commune in recent years.

New kindergartens and sports fields

A source of pride for both the mayor and the entire local community is the reconstruction of the former junior high school into a modern, innovative kindergarten in Pława – with a playground and all facilities for people with disabilities. More than 130 children started preschool education at the facility on September 1, 2023.

It is also worth mentioning the construction of multi-purpose sports fields with accompanying infrastructure at the Primary School in Borowa. The sports facilities put into use are used not only by students, but also by all residents of the commune. The total construction cost is PLN 1,159,078.30. The investment, as the mayor emphasized, was completed with a small contribution from the budget of the Borowa Commune – PLN 163,778.30 (14.13%).

In addition, playgrounds in Sadkowa Góra and Borowa were equipped and expanded with new elements, and thanks to the implementation of a project carried out as part of environmental protection activities, an attractive place was created, “Mead flower bed”, which familiarizes children and teenagers with knowledge about bees and increases their curiosity about nature. .

Investments in the health of residents

The commune’s showcase – in addition to the kindergarten and sports fields – are also investments in health. In May 2022, a cardiology clinic was launched at the Municipal Independent Public Health Care Center in Borowa, and the commune co-financed the purchase of an ultrasound device for cardiac echo testing – with the amount of PLN 50,000. zloty. During the first year of operation of the clinic, as many as 800 patients received specialist help.

There are also other specialist clinics in the building: neurology, gynecology and rehabilitation.

Interestingly, the commune also donated land to the Podkarpacka Ambulance Station in Mielec for the construction of an ambulance substation. In place of the old fire station scheduled for demolition, a modern building with social facilities for an ambulance and a warehouse for medical equipment will be built.

The market square in Borowa – the commune’s showcase

To see how a good host works, just go to the market square in Borowa, which has undergone a real metamorphosis. The neglected square in the center has been transformed into a public space that is the showcase of the commune. The LED-illuminated fountain, wooden seats and a smart bench (with the function of charging mobile devices via USB ports and an inductive charger) provide residents with a relaxation zone and a unique meeting place. Total investment cost up to PLN 308,000. PLN, of which PLN 133 thousand PLN – from a special-purpose subsidy under the activities of the PROWENT Local Action Group and PLN 15,000. PLN as part of the village fund of the Borowa village.

Free internet in the commune

Access to free Internet in the commune is also a great convenience. As part of the WiFi4EU project, Wi-Fi hotspots were installed in public places in the commune – one in each town.

25 kilometers of roads and new sidewalks

Another example of efficient management are investments in the construction of sanitary sewage systems, a gas pipeline, as well as municipal roads with a total length of over 25 km – including access roads to properties and arable fields, thanks to PLN 8,200,000. subsidies from the “Polish Order”. In addition, new sidewalks are being built in towns with heavy traffic.

However, the mayor announces that this is not the end of changes in the commune. He is open to the needs and dreams of residents, and his innovative activities open the way to their implementation.

Stanisław Mieszkowski, wants to take care of, among others, in the future: about the fate of seniors. Currently, in the “Nazaret” Senior Home in Sadkowa Góra, elderly people can use care services including telecare, as well as specialist services including rehabilitation and physiotherapy. “My dream is to enable people who require 24-hour stay to use such a place in the former primary school building in Łysakówko,” he admitted in one of the interviews.

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